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Work was very uneventful, it was the usual busy day in the ice cream place that I work at. We live in California, so ice cream shops are open all year long. It is a small shop ran by a family friend, I love the couple that own it, they are like parents to me. My night was peacefully until Jace and Jacob picked me up from the shop at the end of my shift. I knew that when I got home it was going to be hell.

When I walked into the door I seen all of my brothers sitting in the living room waiting patiently. This isn't going to end well I can tell. "Saphire, Come ever here and sit," Mason says in a stern voice. I do as I'm told so that I can quickly get this punishment over with.

"Saphire, what you did today in the hallway was unacceptable," Mason tells me.

"This isn't fair you guys always tell me to make friends and when I do I get yelled at for it," I tell hi.

Mason sighs, "When I said make friends, I meant a girl, not 3 boys who have made our lives hell since we started school."

"He has been nice to me so obviously you got on his bad side," I give him an attitude.

"Saphire I don't care if he treats you like a princess I don't want you around him."

"I don't care what you want, I am finally making friends and you are saying that I can't have the ones i want this is bullshit," I yell. They all look at me with wide eyes.

"Saphire that language is not tolerated here," Aidan tells me.

"Oh really because all of you guys can swear but I can't but that's getting into a whole new subject so I will leave that alone," I continue, "But I'm not going to listen to you, whatever he did to piss you off is between you guys not me and him, until he does something wrong to me then I'm staying friends with him."

"No you aren't because this is your punishment, Im taking you're phone, no outside no matter what, even if we go somewhere, one of us will walk you to every class and you will be sitting next to one of us during lunch, Got it? "

"This is so not fucking fair," I walk out of the living into the kitchen and get the keys to my bedroom door, then I quickly run upstairs into my bedroom before they register what i am doing. I put my phone on the floor on the outside of my bedroom door, I don't really care about my phon I don't have any friends on it anyway only games and my old books I on it. I quickly close my door and lock it so that they can't get in.

Not even a minute later I hear loud footsteps coming up the stairs then a banging on my door, "Go get the keys," Jace says. I smirk to myself.

"They aren't there," I here Jacob pant.

"Saphire open up the fucking door right now," Jace yells.

"Fuck off," I yell back. I turn off my light and listen to the sound of my brothers trying to get in. Sucks to be them because they picked the best locks that there were. I will deal with the consequences of what happened tonight tomorrow.


Okay guys so that is it for today.. I know that this chapter was kinda short and I'm sorry for that but it wasn't supposed to be long.

Noah: The Siblings are cruel to Saphire.

Author: You're just mad because you cant really see her anymore.

Noah: Im sure Saphire will find a way to trick the brothers. She did it in this chapter.

Author: You aren't even supposed to know about this.

Noah: Yeah I know but.... You are the one who creates these conversations.

Author Shhhhhhhhhh. Also did you tell the brothers where Saphire was in after lunch

Noah: Yeah... I needed something to shove in their face and I mean they kinda already knew because how else would she of known Alex and Jordan so fast that they would protect her

Author: true

Noah: Was that line to save your ass for something that you messed up in last chapter

Author: Yup.

Noah: Bye Guys <3 ^-^

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