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The next classes were boring as hell. I had math where we went over basic formulas, then I had science where we learned the safety tips that we learn every fucking year. Then I had first lunch. I slowly walk to the cafeteria and go to the farthest corner of the cafeteria where my brothers were.

They had a bunch of girls with them. Grey pats the seat next to him signaling to sit next to him near Mason. I sit down and Grey hands me a yogurt that he packed me and a spoon. The girls glare at me but don't say anything.

"Uh excuse me you're in my seat," A tall blonde girl ,that looks like the typical white popular girl, sasses. She literally looks like Barbie. She has platinum blonde hair that you can tell is obviously dyed, makeup caked onto her face, a tight short dress, and a pair of pink heels.

"No she isn't" Mason tells her.

"But Mason I always sit next to you," She whines.

"Not this year, she's my little sister, she's more important," He lazily says.

"I can move Mason it doesn't matter to me," I tell him not really wanting to make enemies with someone who I assume is a senior.

"Nope Saphire you're staying here," He says firmly.

She turns around and goes into the lunch line with girls who I guess are her friends.

"That was so uncool mason, Taylor is so much better than her and Taylor always sits near you" A brunette girl says.

"I don't care really I want my little sister next to me and if you don't like it then you can go sit somewhere else." He tells them. All of my brothers nod their heads. The girls scoff but don't move.

The other girls come to the lunch table. Taylor comes around me and pretends to trip and knocks her milk onto my head. You have to be fucking kidding me

"Oops sorry Samantha I tripped" She said with a smirk

"Her name is Saphire and It wasn't an accident" Jace says not looking happy at all.

I quickly get up and head to the bathroom. I wipe my clothes with milk off of them and then wipe my hair off. Just fucking great the first day of school and I already have girls that are older and don't like me I should have just fucking moved. I hate the attention on me.

I walk out of the bathroom and bump into the wall again. I get caught the time but once im steadied he lets go.

"You know we really have to stop meeting like this," Noah tells me.

"Yeah sorry I wasn't paying attention," I tell him innocently.

"It's fine I seen what Taylor did to you."

"Yeah, She didn't like that I was sitting next to Mason."

"Yeah that's usually where she sits."

"I really don't want to go back in there," I tell him honestly.

"Then don't"

"Where the hell am I going to go," I ask in a duh tone.

"Come with me," He tells me

"Yeah right if my brothers find out they will murder me."

" The Siblings don't have to know"

"You do realize that I am part of 'The Siblings' right?"

"Nope" He says popping the "P"

"Oh yeah why not" I smirk.

" Because I actually can stand you."

"Fine but if they find out I'm telling them that you forced me." I wouldn't do that just because I don't wanna get him in trouble and I don't want my brothers getting into a fight.

"Alright. lets go before they start to look for you." He pulls me down the halls until we come to an empty class room, or so I thought.

He walks in and I see two very tall boys, they look like trees.

"Guys," He interrupts their conversation," This is...." He runs off his sentence because I haven't told him my name still

"That's Saphire Storm, and you guys are playing with fire" The Black haired boy says. He has very dark brown eyes that almost look black. He has to be like 6 feet tall.

"So, She got milk poured on her because she was sitting with her brothers, Its better if she is in here with us." Noah tells him

"Are we not going to introduce ourselves to her," He flirts, "I'm Alex Green, and must I say it is a pleasure to meet you." he gently grabs my hand and kisses it. I blush and Noah pushes him back.

"I'm Jordan Kings," He introduces himself and holds out his hand. I shake his hand quickly.

"Can I ask 2 questions," I ask

"Sure." Noah says

"Why the hell are you guys so fucking tall and What do you guys do in here during lunch." I ask


I can't believe that we are almost at 300 reads. it has been a week since we got to 200 reads. Im so grateful that you guys like the book. I hope you guys keep enjoying the book. Im sorry that i didn't post yesterday I was just getting home after being at my grandmothers for a month

Noah: Don't let her lie to you she was being bad

Author: Shhhhh That's irrelevant.

Noah: okay

Author: Thanks

Noah; Yup

Author: You're being nice to me why

Noah: Because you let me catch Saphire this time

Author: Yeah I don't want her getting brain damage.

Noah: Can you post another chapter today

Author: Maybe

Noah: YAY

Author: Bye Guys another chapter might be going up today because I dont want to lose my chapter ideas

Noah: BYE !!! ^-^

Mason: Have either of you guys seen Saphire

Author and Mason: NOPE!!! BYE

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