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Walking into school on the first day was nerve wrecking.

I just moved to Edmonton from Cologne about a month ago.

My Brother was drafted to play for the Edmonton Oilers, my parents thought it would be easier for me to be going to school here so they wouldn't have to look after me.

What a great idea for them to do that to me.

I had no clue where I was suppose to be playing hockey. I had no clue what I was suppose to do here.

Walking into the main office of the school I looked at the front desk lady and smiled.

"Hello dear! Anything I can help you with?"

"Yes please! I'm new here, todays my first day"

"okay perfect! If I could just get your name, and then you can take a seat!"

"I'm Ryan Draisaitl"

Sitting down in one of the chairs behind me I waited for my schedule.

"ok Ryan here's your schedule! I've paired you up with Lucy over here, she'll show you around!"

"Thank-you so much for your help!" I said before following Lucy out.

"Hey! So i'm Lucy and i'll be in all your classes, if you have any questions feel free to ask!"


Walking down the hallway she turned back to me.

"Could I see your schedule? I want to know which locker you have!"

Handing her my schedule I followed her once she started walking again.

Two other girls walked up towards us. They gave me a dirty look and started talking to Lucy.

"So did you hear, the Oilers got a new player!" one of them said.

"Yes! He's cute, and I heard he has a brother who's our age! and he's here with him in Edmonton" Lucy said.

I assumed Lucy hadn't looked at my name on my schedule. Thank-god because these girls looked like the kind I wouldn't want to be friends with.

"Thanks so much for the help Lucy, I believe i'll be able to find the rest of my classes alone!"

"ya for sure! See you around..."


"ya! see you around Ryan!"

After shutting my locker I walked down the hallway and tried to find class 111.

This school was like a maze, finally finding the room I walked in and looked for an empty seat. There was a girl sitting close to the back I smiled at her. She smiled back and motioned for me to come over to her.

"Hey!" she smiled.


"your new here, correct?" she asked.

"ya! Just started today!" I told her.

"Awesome! I'm Lexi!"

"it's nice to meet you Lexi, i'm Ryan!" I smiled.

"Nice name! Can I see your schedule?" she asked.

"ya for sure!" I handed her my schedule.

"HOLY SHIT" she yelled.

Some students turned around and looked at us.

"Lexi shut up!" I laughed.

"Your Leon Draisaitl's little sister?" she whispered.

"ya, that's me!"

"I thought it was his little brother who was coming, I didn't know he had a sister!"

"ya the name Ryan throws people off!" I laughed. "but please don't tell anyone, it's annoying because then people just want me to be their friend so they can get to my brother"

"ok! I promise I won't tell a soul!"


Turning back in my seat I took my backpack off and walked over to the teachers desk.

"Hello! Mr...." I looked at the name plate on his desk "Mr. Stevens, I'm Ryan Draisaitl"

"ah yes! Ryan, it's nice to meet you" he smiled warmly.

"You to! I was just wondering I don't know how things work here but if you do new student introductions could you maybe not mention my last name?" I asked.

"yes! Of course!" He said.

"Thank-you so much"

Walking back to my desk and sitting down I watched Lucy, Claire, and Emily walk in.

"Ryan! Hey" Lucy waved.

"Hi!" I waved back.

She sat down in the back corner of the class. Opposite me and Lexi.

Watching a few more kids file into the class as the bell rang, Mr. Stevens got up.

"Good Morning class, it's nice to see some new faces this year! I take it your all excited for senior year"

There were a few groans throughout the class.

"I'd like to introduce you guys to a few new students! Mitchell Marner, Ryan Lukas, and Toby Keith. If you guys could stand up and say one thing about yourselves! a hobby or something like that"

All three of us stood up and I had to go first.

"I'm Ryan and I play hockey" I said and sat down.

Mitchell stood up and said he played hockey as well.

I wasn't listening to what the other guy said because I was watching Mitchell. Looking over at Lucy, Claire, and Emily they were all starring at Mitchell.

He looked uncomfortable so I stopped looking but the other girls didn't.

The rest of the day went by a little slow but it was still good. Mitchell and Lexi were in all of my classes.

Walking out of my last class I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around and came face the face with Mitchell.

"Hey! Mitchell right?"

"yeah, and actually it's Mitch! and your Ryan?"


"cool! Do you want to hangout or something?" he asked.

"ya sure! when?" I asked.

"now?" he said.

"sure! Wanna come back to my place? My brother probably won't be home for a few hours!"


Walking to my locker I saw Claire and Emily standing there.

"Hi Mitchell!" they said.

"uh... hi"

"want to hangout?" they asked. 

"sorry can't."

"how come?" they asked.

"I already made plans with someone else."

"oh? Is it her?" they said looking at me.

"yeah, we have to get going"

Mitchell grabbed my hand once I shut my locker and we walked out of the school. 

"Those girls are crazy!" Mitch laughed.

"yeah they are!" I smiled.

Once we left the school I had to call my brother because I couldn't remember our apartment address.

He texted it to me and I entered it into my google maps. The walk was about 15 minutes from the school.

"I hope you don't mind but it's a little ways from here. We have to walk about 15 minutes." I said to Mitch.

"that's ok!"

Walking together we just talked about everything and anything. I could already tell me and Mitch would be good friends!

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