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time skip two months later

Walking down the hallway to my second class I walked past Lucy and her little minions. She had been awfully quiet lately not saying anything to me.

"Hey Ryan!" she called me over.

"what" I snapped.

Today was not a good day already and I didn't need her to make it worse. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Mitch and Lexi laughing at the end of the hall they couldn't even see me.

"You think your so cool because you play hockey and your brother is on the Oilers. That's the only reason people give a shit about you. Your really nothing, without him you'd be a nobody. Just let that sink in. You wouldn't be friends with Mitchell Marner or Lexi Smith. You'd be a loser a nobody." she said.

I lost it and shoved her into the lockers behind her. Holding her there by her shoulders she looked scared. I couldn't find the words to say to her so I just stood there holding her to the lockers. All of a sudden Micheal her boyfriend pulled me off her and swung his arm back hitting me in the face. Dropping to the floor I pulled my hoodie sleeves over my hands and held my freshly bloody nose.

"What the hell Micheal." I heard Mitch yell.

"she deserved it! she was scaring my girlfriend"

I felt Lexi and Mitch pick me up they started taking me to the nurses office. Once we made it there Mitch and Lexi helped me on the bed. I lied down and tilted my head up so I could try and stop the bleeding.

"She just pisses me off so much!" I yelled.

"Ryan!" the nurse came in.

"What seems to be the problem here?" she asked.

"I was punched in the face" I said while rolling my eyes.

"Ah ok lets see your nose then" she came over and touched my nose gently and it hurt like crazy.

"ouch!" I said.

"sorry dear"

The phone started ringing and she went to pick it up.

"Ryan the principle needs to speak with you and Mitch." she said.

"okay" I said grabbing a few more kleenex.

Walking out of the room and down the hallway with Mitch and Lexi we went to the principles office. He walked out and met us.

"Ryan! I'll need to speak with you first." he said.

I knew I was going to get in trouble about the Lucy thing so I started bawling. Don't judge me it's a reflex when I get nervous. Walking into his office I sat in one of the chairs and looked up.

"What happened Ryan?" the principle asked me.

"I was walking down the hallway minding my own business when Lucy and her friends called me over. They started saying really rude things to me and then Lucy's boyfriend punched me in the face only because I was pining her against the lockers."

"Well we will make sure the proper actions are taken against the students who did this to you. But this isn't the reason I called you in here, I just wanted to let you know that you and Mitchell Marner have good enough grades to make it into the hockey gym program" he said.

"okay thank-you and thank-you" I laughed a little. "i'll make sure to let Mitch know!" I smiled.

Walking out of the office I looked at Mitch and saw Lexi was gone.

"Where did Lexi go?" I asked.

"she had to go to class she said it was important"

"oh okay, we got into the gym program!" I smiled.

"really! Yes!" he hugged me. "also do you just want to skip the rest of the day and hangout?" he whispered.


Walking to our lockers we made a plan to meet at the back doors so we wouldn't get caught leaving.

I was done at my locker so I went to the back doors and waited outside for Mitch.

"took you long enough!" I laughed.

"ya ya whatever!" he smirked at me.

"what should we do?" I asked.

"well your bruising under your eyes pretty bad. I don't know if you want to cover it up or anything but we could go to your apartment then go to the mall?" Mitch said.

"let me check my face and then i'll let you know!"

Pulling out my phone I went to the camera and checked out my face.

"yeah we're gonna have to stop first!" I laughed.

"How dumb! He just punched me!"

"I know I was going to punch his lights out! It scared the crap out of me when he did that to you" Mitch said.

"really?" I asked.

"yeah! Can I tell you something?" he asked me.

"for sure!" I said walking beside him.

"I uh hmm I can't really find the right words because I don't want this to ruin our friendship" he said.

I stopped him and turned him so he was looking at me.

"Spit it out Mitch!" I said.

"ok so I like you. More than a friend"

"oh! really?" I said super excitedly.

"uh yeah!" he smiled a bit.

"guess what!" I smirked.


"Mitchell Marner! I like you to!" I grinned.

That's all he needed to hear because he gently crashed his lips into mine. Kissing him back I was so happy.

We walked the rest of the way back to my apartment holding hands. Once we got inside the apartment Mitch waited for me while I put some foundation and cover up under my eyes, then I put on a baseball cap and I was ready to go.

"i'm ready!" I called to Mitch.

"okay! I don't think we can walk to the mall from here so I called an uber. First ride is free!"

"alright cool!"

Walking down to the lobby we waited inside for the text that said the uber was here. Once the driver came we told him we were going to west edmonton mall. About fifteenish minutes later we were dropped outside the 16th entrance of the mall. Walking in I was excited.

"This place is so big! I hope we don't get lost" I said looking at Mitch.

"yeah same!" he laughed.

Grabbing my hand we started walking around the mall until we found sportchek. I swear to god we almost spent two hours in that place.

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