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When we were done with the mall we ended up going back to my place. I had to rest a little because I had a game tonight.

"Are you coming to my game tonight?" I asked Mitch.

"yeah! For sure!"

"okay cool! We should ask Lexi!" I said.


Texting Lexi I told her to come over to my place.

"Ryan! You made it!" I heard Leon say.

"What do you mean I made it?" I asked.

"not you!" he laughed.

Looking over to the front door I saw Nuge, Maroon, and Mcdavid.

"Yeah! I didn't think I was going to come today cause i'm tired after that practice we had today!"

"well i'm glad you could make it!" Leon said.

"let's go" I whispered to Mitch.

Dragging him towards my room we went in and sat on my bed.

"so! I was thinking about draft day, and I was wondering because I get to bring a plus one, if you wanted to be my plus one?" Mitch asked.

"I would love to come!" I smiled.

"alright sweet!" he pulled me into a hug.

We ended up falling over and lying on top of each other on the bed. Just lying there laughing Lexi walked in and looked at us.

"I KNEW IT!" she screamed.

"knew what!" I asked.

"That you and Mitch were going to date! I totally knew it ever since the first day of school!" she cheered.

"yeah whatever Lexi!" Mitch laughed.

"so! We called you here because we want you to come to my game tonight! You have to cheer on the Renegades" I told her.

"Ryan your team is called the renegades?" she asked.

"yeah...? what's your team name?" I asked.

"We're the Warriors" Lexi laughed.

We all just burst out laughing because our team names weren't very good. Hanging out for a few hours before I had to head to the rink we just ate food and talked.

"Ryan!" Leon yelled.

"What do you want?" I walked out of my room with Mitch and Lexi following.

"How many tickets do you want for the game on saturday?" he asked.

"three?" I looked at Mitch and Lexi

"I have uh to babysit but next time!" Lexi said.

Sending her a look I looked back at Leon "just two then" I smiled.

"alright i'll get them to you tomorrow night" Leon said ruffling my hair.

Rolling my eyes we walked into the kitchen.

"so my dudes! i'm making myself dinner. Do you guys want me to make you something?" I asked them.

"I'll just have whatever your having" Lexi said.

"yeah me to!" Mitch said.

"Yo Marner. Get over here!" I heard Connor yell.

"i'll be back" he walked into the living room.

"So Ryan! How long has this you and Mitch thing going on?" Lexi asked.

"like only a few hours!" I laughed.

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