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Covering my mouth with my hands I looked at Lauren.

"come on" she said grabbing my hand.

Following her out of the skybox and towards the nearest set of stairs we went down towards the dressing rooms. The only problem was that security was in our way.

"You have to let her in. She's Mitch Marner's girlfriend" Lauren said.

"yeah! like I haven't heard that one before" the guard laughed.

"please let me in" I begged.

"sorry I can't do that" he said while crossing his arms.

"Ryan?" I heard someone call my name.

Looking up I saw Mitch's trainer. The security guard let me past and I followed him into the dressing room. Quietly following him in I looked at Mitch and he had a busted lip from hitting the boards funny. He looked at me and got up coming to me he pulled me into a hug.

"Ryan, i'm so so so sorry it wasn't me I would never in a million years do that to you, I love you way to much" he said.

I just rested my head on his chest and laughed a little.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked.

"because! you smell horrible" I smiled.

"ah right! sorry" he smiled.

"it's okay! Also I believe you about it not being you. As soon as I saw Lucy I knew it was her and not you, it still hurt but I trust you" I said.

"I'm glad, because the last thing I want to do is hurt you"

"awe!" I said.

Standing on my tippy toes I gave Mitch a kiss on the cheek and I could hear his team start to walk in.

"I'm going to let you get undressed and i'll see you outside after, i'll talk to my brother as well"

"okay! see you soon"

Walking out of the room I ran into Will and Auston.

"Is everything okay with you guys? I need to know because I don't think i'll be able to not have you around!" Will said.

"yeah everything is perfect" I smiled.

Walking the rest of the way down the hallway I met up with Lauren again and we waited for the boys to get undressed.

"so, who won?" I asked.

"The Oilers, the Leafs were a little shaken up after what your brother did"

"Yeah i'm going to have to talk to him about that"

"You can right now! Here he is" Lauren pointed to Leon.

Walking over to him he gave me a hug and smiled.

"hey little sis! How did you like the game?" he asked.

"you want my honest opinion?"


"okay I hated it" I said.

"what! how come?"

"because you went after Mitch."

"yeah well he deserved it after he broke your heart"

"no, were good now me and him you didn't need to go after him on the ice like that"

"okay fine. I'm sorry Ryan" Leon said.

I knew he didn't mean it but i'd let it slide for now. I didn't want to make a big deal. Connor walked out a few minutes later and came up to me.

"I heard you and Mitch are all good now! I'm glad" he said.

"How do you know that?"

"I ran into Matthews in the hallway"


"i'm so happy for you!" he hugged me.


After that he went to go and see Lauren. Waiting a little while longer I saw Mitch come out with Auston and Will.

"Hey my dudes!" I smiled.

"Ryan! We're so happy that your coming back to Toronto! We missed you way to much" Auston said while ruffling my hair.

"I missed you guys to!" I smiled.

They all pulled me into a monster group hug and we all just laughed.

"You guys are all so goofy!" I laughed.

"yeah but your lucky you have us because then you'd be bored without us goofs!" Will said.

"I guess that's true!" I said leaning into Mitch's side.

"Well we should head back to the hotel we have a early flight to catch tomorrow! Mitch are you coming back with us?" Auston asked.

"I'll just come and grab my things and then i'm going to hangout with Ryan I didn't actually book a flight home" he said.

"yeah alright! and of course you didn't book a flight home. Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out!" Will said.

"shut up Will!" Mitch laughed.

Following the boys out of Rogers Place we went to walk to the hotel considering it wasn't that far from here. The whole way to the hotel we just caught up and talked about all the things that had happened to us over the past seven days that we hadn't seen each other for.

It was nice to have Mitch back, I know it was only a few days that we hadn't seen each other and everything went to shit but it was the most horrible days of my life. Once we made it to the hotel we all went up to the boys room so Mitch could pack up the few things he had brought with him.

"So Ryan, what are you going to do when you get back to Toronto?" Auston asked me.

"I dunno! I might start looking into some schools around there and maybe go to university."

"that's a good idea! I know there's so pretty good school in Toronto!"

"yeah! I've been looking at a few already and I've been liking what i've been seeing!"

"Ryan, were leaving" Mitch said.

"already!" I asked.

"yeah these to morons have to get up real early if they want to catch their flights" Mitch laughed.

"Mitchell stop bullying me!" Auston whined.

"then don't call me Mitchell!"

"fine, i'll see you whenever you decide to come back to Toronto Marner!" Auston said.

"see you! i'll let you know when i'm coming back" he smiled.

"i'll miss you Mitch! don't have to much fun without us!" Will said. 

"I'll try not to!" Mitch laughed and grabbed my hand.

We walked out of the door and went down to the lobby I called Connor and he came to pick us up. Getting into his truck we made our way back to my brothers apartment and went inside. Once we were inside me and Mitch went to my room and just fell asleep together. For the first time in seven days I fell asleep instantly.

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