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Walking into the school this morning was more horrible than I thought it would be. Somehow most of the school figured out I was Leon's little sister. How does that even happen after being in school for a day. I didn't even tell anyone besides Lexi and Mitch my last name.

God damn it.

Lucy must have seen my last name but decided not to say anything. Until now.

Walking down the hallway to my locker I was met with Lexi and Mitch.

"Ryan, I swear I didn't tell anyone" Lexi said.

"me either" Mitch put his hands up in surrender.

"Don't worry I know you guys wouldn't. But I know who would" I said.

"who?" they said at the same time.


"Yeah probably. She's always going after people who she feels threatened by" Lexi said. 

"So she feels threatened by me?" I asked.

"yeah, that's the only reason I could see her doing something like this" Lexi pointed out.

"okay, well I'll ignore it for now but if it gets worse i'm going to do something" I said shutting my locker.

All three of us walked down toward the front office because me and Mitch had to ask how to get in to the gym class that was specifically for hockey and ringette players.

Walking in the lady who had helped me yesterday was there.

"Miss. Draisaitl! How can I help you and Mr. Marner" she smiled.

"We were actually wondering how we could get into the hockey gym program you guys have!" I asked.

"ah yes! All you guys have to do is fill out these sheets and i'll give them to the principle so he can look over them" she said while handing us each a sheet.

"Here are some pens" handing them to us.

Me and Mitch started filling the sheets out and finished within about five minutes. We handed them back to the lady and then walked to class.

"Do you guys wanna go out for ice cream after school?" Lexi asked us.

"Sorry Lex I have practice tonight"

"yeah and I have my first game! I'm free tomorrow night!" Mitch said.

"me to!" I smiled.

"I have a game tomorrow night!" she told us.

"you play a sport?" I asked a little shocked.

"yeah, I play ringette I have been for like twelve years" she laughed a little.

"wait so then are you in the gym program?"

"yup! We go to the rink instead of stay at school and we get to miss the last two periods of the day every Tuesday and Thursday" she smiled at us.

"nice!" Mitch and me said.

"Well where's your game tomorrow night?" I asked.

"It's in terwillegar at 7:15 my teams playing some south calgary team"

"Okay! I'll see if I can make it!" Mitch said.

"me to! Also give me your guys phones! I realized we never exchanged numbers!" I grabbed their phones.

I then texted myself using their phones. Smiling at my accomplishment the teacher walked in.

The class went by pretty fast and so did the rest of the day. Once the final bell rang I ran to my locker and grabbed my things. Running out of the school I ran home.

I had practice at 5:45 and it was currently 3:15. Once I made it to the apartment I took the stairs to our floor and opened the door. Connor and Patrick were over again.

"Can one of you drive me to the..." I trailed off looking at my phone "Tri-Leisure centre in Spruce Grove?"

"Ya sure!" Connor said.

"Where's my brother?" I asked.

"He's still at the rink" Patrick said.

"okay, but you guys are in our apartment?"

"yeah Leon told us to" Connor put his hands up to defend himself.

"I don't care but just hurry up I have to be on the ice at 5:45 and it's 3:45." I said picking up my bag and sticks.

"Calm down little Drai we will make it!" Connor laughed.

Walking out the door we waved by the Patrick and I followed Connor to the elevators.

"So are you excited to start hockey again today!" Connor asked.

"Yeah, if i'm being honest though i'm a little nervous I mean these girls have probably been together their whole lives and now i'm just coming in to the mix" I said.

"that's true! But don't worry about it if your as good as your brother tells us then you should be perfectly fine!" he smiled.


Getting onto the street Connor unlocked a black truck. Instructing me to toss my stuff in the trunk he got into the drivers side and started the truck.

"Come on Ryan!" he yelled.

Running over I opened the door and got in. Shutting it Connor started driving.

"So once we're on the henday it shouldn't take to long to get there!"

"what's the henday?" I asked.

"oh right! Sorry it's just the name of the main highway here!" Connor laughed.

"right! Anything else you can tell about Edmonton so I don't sound clueless?"

"Yeah! There's the largest mall in north america here! It's got a mini sea world sort of thing going on, there's a water park, a amusement park, two food courts and so many stores, oh and they have a ice rink basically in the middle of it all!"

"wow that sounds like a pretty snazzy mall you guys got here!"

"it's pretty cool!" he smiled.

"anything else?" I asked.

"We have the Oilers a NHL team obviously! and then we have the Oil Kings a WHL team. The Oilers recently got a mascot! Hunter the Lynx, between you and me he's a little scary!" Connor laughed.


"well here's your stop! Do you want me to wait for you?"

"uh if it's not a hassle could you please?" 

"yeah for sure! Just let me park and i'll come in with you" Connor said while putting on sunglasses.

Looking outside it wasn't even that sunny out. Then I remembered Connor is really famous around here. Once he parked we got out, I grabbed my things and we started walking into the building.

Walking towards the back we found the dressing room hallway. I looked at Connor and he had his hood up, giving me a thumbs up I kept walking.

Finding the coach she pointed me towards the dressing room that the other girls were in. She handed me my jerseys before I left and asked if I had a practice jersey which I did. Thanking her I walked down the hallway towards the dressing room.

This was it, behind that door was my new team. New girls, hopefully new friends. I took a deep breath and pushed open the door.

My Allstar (Mitch Marner) Where stories live. Discover now