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once we had made it to the apartment we entered the lobby and got into the elevator.

"This place is pretty fancy!"

"yeah! My brother is on the Oilers!"

"really?? Which ones your brother? Because last time I checked no one has the last name Lukas on the team." he said.

"Ah right! I'm Leon Draisaitl's little sister, I don't like telling anyone because then they just use me to get to the team or something like that"

"That makes sense! Well it's nice to officially meet Leon Draisaitl's little sister!" he held his hand out.

"Nice to meet you to Mitch Marner!" I grabbed his hand and shook it.

The elevator dinged signalling we were on the our floor. Walking out I walked down the hallway to find room 716.

Finding it I pulled out the key and unlocked the door. I heard lots of noise coming from the living room. Peaking around the corner I saw Leon sitting with four other guys.

"Hey little sis! Your home early!"

"Dude I think I should be saying that your home early. I thought you'd still be at practice!" I laughed.

"It was moved a little earlier so we were done earlier! Also this is Connor, Milan, Patrick, and Ryan"

"Hi" I shyly smiled.

"oh and this is Mitch!" I said pulling him around the corner.

"You brought home a boy?" my brother asked.

"He's just a friend! We were both new at school today" I laughed a little.

"okay fine!"

"Hey buddie you look familiar, what's your name?" Connor asked.

"I'm Mitch Marner" he said.

"ah the new guy on the the Oil Kings!" Ryan said.

"yeah, that's me" Mitch said while scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"let's go" I said leaving the boys.

"Ryan, Isn't it going to get confusing because your brother has a Ryan on his team?"

"I dunno! Possibly" I smiled.

"So what are we going to do, we don't have any homework?" Mitch asked.

"Well I could kick my brother and his friends out of the living room and we could play Xbox?" I suggested.


Walking back out to the living room I looked at my brother and his team mates.

"move it or lose it my dudes. Me and Mitch are playing Xbox"

"Ryan. you can't just kick us out"

"watch me." I said jumping over the back of the couch I tucked in between my brother and Connor.

Mitch grabbed the controllers and handed one to me.

"Thanks!" I smiled.

Turning on the tv I switched the input and loaded the game. The EA sports logo came onto the screen and I just blurted out.

"EA sports it's in the game" I said cause i'm super embarrassing.

"Yo Leon how much does your sister play this game?" Patrick asked.

"like almost everyday."

"I do not!" I said while slapping my brother.

Me and Mitch had been playing NHL for about two hours. Ryan and Milan had left a while ago leaving Patrick and Connor.

My Allstar (Mitch Marner) Where stories live. Discover now