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It had been five years since Mitch started playing for the Maple Leafs, I had gotten a job with the Leafs working as their promotion scheduler. So aside from spending time with Mitch durning the days I also got to spend time with him at the rink.

Waking up in the morning I looked beside me and saw Mitch had already gotten up. Sniffing a little I smelt pancakes and instantly knew it wasn't Mitch, no offence to him but his cooking skills are horrendous.

Getting out of bed I walked out of me and Mitch's room and down the stairs and into the kitchen. I had to do a double take because Connor was standing in front of the stove.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"good morning sleeping beauty!" Connor laughed.

Walking over to him I gave him a hug, I looked in the living room and saw Mitch, Nuge, Lexi, Lauren, Leon, Will, Auston, and my parents.

What the hell was going on. Going into the living room I looked at all of them.

"i'm sorry but did someone die?" I asked.

"no, why?" Leon said.

"then what are you all doing here?"

"we're not allowed to come visit anymore?" Lexi asked.

"well you are but all of you at the same time?"

"yeah we thought it would be more fun that way!" Lauren laughed.

I just shook my head and gave everyone a hug. Connor came in a few minutes later and told us breakfast was ready. Everyone got up and walked over to the kitchen table.

"Connor this looks great thank-you so much!" I said.

"no problem!" he smiled sitting with everyone.

We all ate breakfast and just talked about the crazy things that had happened to us over the last few years. I felt like everything was a little different, that long dark haired girl who walked out of Leon's room the day he should have taken us to the airport was now his girlfriend. Her name was Emma she was okayish. Nuge and Lexi had gotten engaged last year and were getting married this summer. Connor and Lauren had gotten married a few years ago already. And Auston and Will both had girlfriends now but they weren't ever really around so I didn't know them that well.

"We have to head to the rink in a few hours!" Mitch said.

"and then game time!" I smiled.

Everyone had helped clear the table up and then they went back to their rooms to lie down. Apparently breakfast takes a lot of energy.

"Ryan, come with me! I have something for you" Mitch said.

"alright!" following him upstairs he led me to our room.

"So I thought tonight after the game we could go out and celebrate!" he said.

"okay! i'd be down for that, what exactly are we celebrating?" I asked.

"mmmh just us!"

"alright!" I smiled.

Mitch grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. Closing the gap between us I pressed my lips to his, I could feel his fingers running through my hair sending shivers down my spine. Mitch broke the kiss and looked at me.

"So this is what I wanted to give you! It's for tonight" he smiled.

Pulling out a red dress he put it on the bed and smiled while pulling out a pair of heels.

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