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The day at school was so lame. I was happy when it went by fast.

We made a plan with Lexi that me and Mitch would carpool to her game and then we would all go out after. So after school I went with Mitch back to his billet families house.

Walking into the house it was a cute bungalow. Mitch introduced me to his billet parents and then we went to his room in the basement.

"This is a nice set up!" I said.

"yeah, they gave me the whole basement so they said if I ever wanted to have a few teammates over this is where we would hangout"

"sweet! So Lexi said her game was at 7:15 so what time should we leave?"

"i'll google it one second"

I texted Leon while I waited for Mitch just telling him where I was so he wouldn't freak out.

"okay I got it. It takes about 30 minutes from here"

"alright so we should leave around 6:30ish just in case we get lost?"

"yeah sure!" Mitch smiled. 

Shoving my shoulder so I landed on his bed.

"you really think i'd get lost?" he laughed.

"yeah maybe!" I smirked.

"wanna make a bet?" he asked.


"alright 20 bucks says I get lost once and if I do you get the money and if I don't you owe me"

"deal" I said shaking his hand.

"alright cool, wanna get a snack upstairs?"

Nodding my head I followed him upstairs. His billet mom was already busy making us snacks.

"hey you guys! I made some veggies and put out some chips" she said.

"Thanks Debbie!" Mitch said.

"thank-you!" I smiled at her.

"no problem! You can take them downstairs but don't make a mess"

Mitch nodded and grabbed the bowls. taking them down the the basement he set them on the table in front of the couch.

"We could start a movie until we have to go?" he suggested.

"yeah sure!"

•skip to the drive•

Mitch had taken his billet dads vehicle a ford escape. Very reliable i've heard.

Mitch handed me the AUX I plugged in my phone and started playing One Foot by Walk the Moon.

The whole way to the rink me and Mitch just talked about everything and anything. Including how his draft for the NHL was coming up in June.

"I've already heard from a few people that the Maple Leafs want me. I wouldn't be to mad playing for them! They are getting better" he said.

"that would be really exciting! I would get to watch you on TV all the time because I would be here with my brother" I smiled.

"yeah... and maybe I could fly you out for some games! And of course you'd have to come watch when I came back to Edmonton to play your brothers team!"

"oh right!" I laughed at the thought of Mitch playing against my brother.

Once we made it to the sports complex Mitch parked and we walked inside. Trying to figure out what rink she was playing in was hard. She never told us who she plays for, but I did remember she said she was playing south Calgary. All we had to do was go from rink A to D to figure out where she was.

"So Wanna start at A?" Mitch asked.

"Yeah sure!" We walked over to A and looked nothing.

Walking to B she wasn't on that one either. She wasn't on C either our last hope rink D. Her team was doing warmup. We took the stairs and went to the stands, once we got in we got a few looks from people who probably recognized Mitch from his game last night.

We sat down and Lexi saw us she waved and went to her starting position. The whistle blew and the game was on.

The first period went by pretty fast and Lexi's team was winning 6-2. Me and Mitch had about two minutes before the second period started. We ran downstairs and went to second cup to get hot chocolate. Running back upstairs we had only missed about the first five minutes. oops.

We sat down again and watched as Lexi circled the net. She dropped it to one of her players and then spun so she was skating backwards then she got the ring back. Taking a shot it went in bar down.

Me and Mitch got up and started cheering for Lexi. She just looked at us and shook her head laughing. The game was over and Lexi's team had won 8-5.

Waiting for Lexi to come out of the change room me and Mitch sat on one of the benches outside the rink.

"Where should we go after this?" I asked.

"I dunno! Don's sounds really good right now"

"don's?" I asked.

"McDonalds!" he laughed.

"right! ah sorry, yesterday I had to have Connor explain a bunch of things to me because i'm so clueless!" I laughed.

"That's ok! Honestly your probably just as clueless as me" Mitch said.

"ah twins!"

We just laughed a little. Mitch pulled me into his side and leaned his head on mine.

"sorry! force of habit!"

"that's ok!" I looked at the floor because I was blushing like crazy.

I was happy when Lexi finally walked out of those doors. Getting up we walked over to her.

"good game Lex! also nice goal!" I smiled at her.

"thanks my dude!" she said setting her bag down.

"Yeah that was a sick goal!" Mitch said.

We all hugged each other and laughed.

"Well we're going to Don's now and if you want after I can drive you home!" Mitch said.

"yeah sure! Let me give my stuff to my parents"

Walking over to a dirty blonde lady and a tall dark haired man she dropped her stuff in front of them gave them both a hug and came back to us.

"Let's go!" Lexi smiled.

"Okay!" I laughed.

Getting into Mitch's vehicle again he drove us to the nearest "Don's" as him and Lexi called it.

Pulling into the parking lot we all got out of the car and walked inside. I already new what I wanted so I used one of the new machine things where you didn't have to go to the counter.

Giving the counter person my receipt I waited for my fries. Once we all got our food we sat at one of the booths in the back and just talked for a good hour.

When we were done Mitch drove us home dropping off Lexi first because she was sleeping in the backseat. When Lexi was dropped off Mitch made his way to my apartment.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school Ryan! Thanks for the fun time tonight" He smiled.

"See you tomorrow Mitch! and yeah! I had a lot of fun tonight" I smiled while shutting the car door.

Waving to Mitch I walked inside the building and waited for the elevator.

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