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Waking up in the morning I could hear so many voices. Pulling a hoodie on I walked out of my room and walked down the hallway. Peaking around the corner I could see my brothers team over, like the whole team. I looked around I saw Mitch talking with Connor and Patrick. Catching his attention he came over to see me.

"Good Morning!" Mitch smiled.


He pulled me into his side and kissed the top of my head.

"You doing anything?" Mitch asked.

"nope! just going to your game tonight!" I smiled up at him.

"okay cool! Wanna go for breakfast? or lunch, or whatever?" he laughed.

"sure!" I said.

Grabbing his hand I pulled him into my room.

"Why the hell is my brothers team here?" I laughed.

"I think they are having a meeting before the game tomorrow night!"

"ah makes sense! Why are you here?" I asked.

"Because I want to hangout with you?" he laughed.

"right! okay!"

Mitch sat on my bed and I went to my closet and picked out jeans and a t shirt. Running to the bathroom I got dressed and pulled my hair into a bun. Brushing my teeth I walked out and looked at Mitch.

"ready to go lover boy?" I asked.

"yep!" he smiled.

He got up and grabbed my hand walking out of my room we walked down the hallway. Carefully making it around half of Leon's team we were caught.

"RYAN!" basically dying I turned around.

"yes Leon"

"Come here please"

Dropping Mitch's hand I trudged over towards my brother.

"yeah" I sighed.

"where are you going?" he asked.

"out for food"

"with Mitch?"

"yeah. we're dating now"

"okay but if he hurts you I swear to god"

I rolled my eyes and went back to Mitch.

Finally after what seemed like forever we made it to the restaurant and ordered our food.

"So the draft it's coming up in a few months! Are you excited?" I asked.

"Yeah! I'm so excited but at the same time i'm nervous" he said.

I grabbed his hand from across the table.

"You have no reason to be nervous! Your an amazing hockey player and any NHL team would be lucky to have someone like you on their team!" I smiled.

"Thanks Ryan! that means a lot!" he laughed.

"no problem!"

Finally our food came and before we started eating Mitch had to snag a photo of me.

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marner_93 eating with my number 1 ❤️

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"Awe Mitch! What a cute photo!" I smiled.

"thanks. But it's not as cute as you!"

I laughed at how dorky he was being.

"Mitch that doesn't even make sense because i'm in the photo"

"Leave me alone! Just let me live my life" he whined.

"fine, fine!" I laughed.

Once we were done eating we left the restaurant and went back to my place. We hung out together until Mitch had to leave to go to the rink to get ready for his game.

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