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Today was the last day that me and Mitch were in Edmonton before we went back to Toronto. I had spent around three weeks here so I was going to miss it all when I went back to Toronto. Mitch had all his things packed up and we were getting Leon to drive us to the airport. Once we were sure we had everything we brought our suitcases to the front door.

"Leon! We're ready to leave" I yelled.

I Watched him walk out of his room and he looked like he just woke up.

"I'm going to have to get you to call Connor. I'm pretty hungover" he said.

"What the hell Leon! You knew you had to take us today!" I said.

"yeah sorry" he said.

I looked back to his room and watched a girl walk out. She had long black hair and was wearing one of Leon's shirts with no pants. Disgusting.

"okay whatever. I'm leaving and i'll text you when I land" I said.

Once me and Mitch left the apartment I pulled out my phone and called Connor. I saw Mitch pull out his phone he was texting someone I assumed Auston and Will.

"Connor! Hey, can you take me and Mitch to the airport. My loser brother was suppose to but bailed." I said.

"yeah sure! i'm actually outside I was coming to say goodbye to you" he said.

"okay! we will meet you down there"

Ending the call I put my phone back in my pocket and went to the elevator with Mitch. We made it to the lobby and walked outside to meet Connor.

"Hey dude!" Mitch said.

"hey! You guys can toss your things in the trunk i'll close the top"

"okay thanks!" Mitch smiled.

Grabbing our luggage we threw it into the back and Connor closed the top. After that we were on our way to the airport. It was about a fourty-five minute drive, once we got there Connor parked in the drop off zone and got our things out for us.

"I'm going to miss you so much! Please come back soon! You were gone for way to long last time" Connor said while hugging me.

"i'll try my best to be back soon! I'll miss you so much Connor" I said.

Letting me go he gave Mitch a hug and we were off. Turning back I waved at Connor and watched as he drove away. Me and Mitch started our long travel day and I was so glad that it would be a short flight.

After getting off the plane that had a million seat kickers and crying children we went to collect our luggage. Once we finally got it we saw Will and Auston who were picking us up.

"Hey Ryan! We missed you" the boys said.

"you guys! it's only been a week!" I laughed.

"yeah but we still missed you!" they said while each giving me a bone crushing hug.

We all walked out of the airport together and once we were in the vehicle I texted Leon telling him we landed. The ride home was pretty quiet considering Mitch and me were tired from our long day. Once we got back to our house we invited Will and Auston inside and we ordered chinese food. Hearing my instagram notification go off I opened the app to check it out.

Liked by lexi

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Liked by lexi.smith, mcdavid97 and 49,366 others

marner_93 those damn paparazzi back at it again 😏 (tagged ryan.draisaitl)

view all 334 comments

lexi.smith stop being so cute you guys make my heart hurt

drat_29 don't break her heart again Marner

marner_93 wouldn't dream of it @drat_29

mcdavid97 cute photo! 😝💕 come home now Ryan, I miss you

laurenkyle1 my #1 fav couple! Ship name Ryell

lexi.smith @laurenkyle1 what about Mitcan

laurenkyle1 @lexi.smith that's gross 😂

ryan.draisaitl luv yew my bug! 😍❤️
auston_matthews someone get me a trash can I'm gonna throw up ^^ 🙄

williamnylander I think you guys are cute! Don't listen to @auston_matthews he's a loser 😂

auston_matthews fight me 👊🏽 @williamnylander

Putting my phone away I laughed at all the stupid comments on Mitch's photo. Heading to the kitchen after putting my lounging pj's on I grabbed a plate and started dishing up the food that had arrived not to long ago.

Once I grabbed the food I went into the living room and turned on the tv. Changing it to sports net I saw we still had about a hour until my brothers game against buffalo started. Just watching the pre-game stuff we all sat on the couch and ate our food.

Finally the game came on and they weren't doing to hot. I don't really know why they start Talbot all the time maybe he should have a break and they start Montoya. But whatever.

Watching the final minutes of the game they had lost 5-0. Knowing Leon he'd be calling after to rant about the loss. I had at least a few hours to prepare myself before that happened.

"God damn it!" I heard one of the boys yell from the kitchen.

Getting up I ran over to see what happened.

"are you okay Auston?" I asked.

"yeah, we just got scheduled a practice tomorrow morning at 5am"

"oh, that sucks you guys should just crash here and then grab your stuff on the way to the rink" I said.

"i'd love to but our place is to far away from the rink to make it in time. I'll see you tomorrow Ryan" he said while hugging me.

"Bye Auston"

He gathered up his things with Will and then they were gone and it was just Mitch and me.

"hey babes! heard you have a practice bright and early tomorrow" I said.

"yeah. I wish we didn't though i'm going to be so tired"

"I bet but you can come home and take a nap!"

"true! I think coach liked the way we played last time we didn't have a practice on the same day as the game!"

"he must have!"

Mitch grabbed my hand and led me up to our room.

"i'm tired, but I can't sleep without you! Let's go to bed" he said lazily.

"yeah sure!" I smiled.

Since I was already in my pjs I just climbed into the bed. Mitch pulled out his flannel pants and put them on, pulling of his shirt he got into the bed next to me. Pulling me into his side he just snuggled into me. Not long after I heard his breathing slow and his grip around me loosened he was sleeping. A few hours later I followed suit and passed out.

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