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Lexi's P.O.V

After me and Mitch dropped Ryan off we headed in search for a Tim Hortons.

"So Lexi, what would you think if I started dating Ryan?" he asked me.

"Well Mitch! Since i've been waiting for a while for you to ask me this I would say that i'd be perfectly okay with it!" I smiled.

Thinking about my two best friends dating each other made me immensely happy inside.


"yeah! Like since the first day of school this year i've been waiting for this to happen!"

"but I didn't even like Ryan then" he said.

"yeah right!" I snorted. "I watched you making eyes at her, the first day of class I watched her look at you and when she looked away you were still looking! Don't even try to deny it!"

"Fine! you caught me" he laughed.

"but you'd seriously be okay with it?"


"alright awesome! I think i'll ask her after the game then if she wants to be my girlfriend" he smiled.

Pulling into the drive thru of the Tim's I finally found I asked Mitch what he wanted and ordered for the both of us. He tried to pay but I insisted that i'd pay.

"You know you didn't have to do that!" he said.

"yeah I know! But with you living with your billet's I want you to save your money for when you really need it!"


Handing Mitch his ice cap with chocolate milk I grabbed my regular one and headed back to the rink.

Once we got there I parked and we walked inside. Seeing that the game had just started we were on time. Mitch went in to grab us a spot at the top while I checked to make sure the heaters were working. Because trust me there's nothing worse than a cold rink.

Finding Mitch at the top of the stands I climbed the stairs and made my way to the top. Sitting down next to him I scoped out the ice trying to find Ryan.

Seeing her last name on the top of her jersey she was #27. Quickly waving at her I took out my phone and put her on my snapchat.

When it was finally the second intermission I excused myself and went outside to call Ryan. I know what your thinking, not Ryan on the ice! Ryan Nugent Hopkins. Surprise! We're dating.

"Hey Lex! How's the game?"

"it's going good! Ry's team is winning"

"oh awesome! So are you actually babysitting on Saturday?"

"nope! I just want Mitch and Ryan to hangout just the two of them!"

"ah makes sense! Do you want me to get you a ticket somewhere else?"

"sure! I'll just have to make sure that I don't run into either of them!" I laughed.

"true! When you come back from Ryan's game wanna come to my house?"

"yeah sure! I'll just have to drop Ryan and Mitch off but i'll be over!"

"alright! I'll see you then, love you Lex!"

"love you to Ryan!"

Hanging up I went back inside to sit with Mitch. There was still a few minutes left in the intermission.

"Where did you dissapear to?" Mitch asked.

"I just had to call my mom really quick! But you know parents she wanted to talk forever!" I laughed.

I knew I should have probably told Mitch but I didn't think this was the right time. So I waited and didn't say anything.

When that final buzzer went off Ryan's team had lost by one goal. It was truly a heartbreaker. Mitch and me walked out of the rink and waited for Ryan to come out after getting dressed.

She finally walked out with a skinny dirty blonde girl. They were both wearing sweat pants and a hoodie. The girl had her baseball cap on backwards and took Ryan's off and flipped it around.

"Maddie! Your an idiot!" Ryan laughed.

"But i'm your idiot!" she smiled.


They both came over to us and Ryan introduced us to her team mate.

"Hey guys! This is Madison!"

"Madison this is Lexi and Mitch!"

I gave Madison a hug and smiled at her.

"It's nice to meet you!"

"you as well Lexi! Thanks for letting our team have Ryan, she's so super cool!" Madison said.

"Oh your welcome?" I laughed.

Madison just laughed.

"well Ryan, I gotta go but i'll see you later okay! Are you going to your brothers game on Saturday?" she asked Ryan.

"yeah! me and Mitch are going! Lexi has to babysit" she smiled.

"okay i'll be there i'm going with my boyfriend Jake, we should meet up!"

Giving Ryan a hug she picked up her things and left the rink.

"So! What did you guys think of the game?" Ryan asked as we walked out.

"It was really good! Also I cannot believe you got robbed on that goal off the post!" I said.

"yeah! I heard you scream by the way!" Mitch laughed.

"right! I forgot I screamed!" she laughed. "I was so mad that happened!"

"I'll go and get the car warmed up!" I said while running to the car.

Getting in I started the engine and I looked out the mirror and saw Mitch talking to Ryan. I figured he finally got the guts to ask her out.

Watching Ryan cover her mouth with her hands she nodded her head. I watched as Mitch wrapped his arms around her and they just stayed like that for a little bit.

Finally they broke apart and started walking to the car. I opened the trunk for them and waited until Ryan got her stuff in the car.

"Sorry Lex! I just got myself a boyfriend!" Ryan smiled.

"Ah yes!!! I'm so happy for you guys!"

I looked at Ryan and she looked back and smiled at Mitch.

"I'm happy to!" Mitch said.

"Stop! You guys are so cute!" I said.

"So, now we just have to hook you up with someone Lexi!" Ryan said.

"ah yeah!" I laughed.

Most of the car ride home was silent until my phone went off.

"Ryan can you check who that was?" I asked.

"sure!" she said.

Picking up my phone she opened it and looked at who texted me.

"Uh it's from my little nuge?"

Oh crap.

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