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Waking up a few hours later because of my brother and his clumsy team mates. Me and Mitch went to my room.

"Sorry about them. They are so annoying" I sighed.

Literally Connor had come in and fallen over the back of the couch and on to me and Mitch. What a wonderful way to be woken up.

"It's okay, let's just go back to sleep! I'm tired" he yawned.

We both climbed into my bed and Mitch pulled me into him. Snuggling closer to him I draped my one arm over his chest and we drifted back to sleep.

Waking up around noon was weird I usually didn't sleep in this long. Looking next to me I saw Mitch still passed out. I let him sleep because he must have been tired after his game last night. Quietly getting up I walked out of my room closing the door behind me. Walking into the kitchen I saw Leon, Connor, Ryan, Patrick, and Lexi.

"wow that's the longest you've ever slept in. You must have been busy last night!" Leon said.

Walking over to him I slapped his arm.

"Shut up you moron! We didn't do anything like that, we were sleeping"

"yeah whatever Ry" he laughed.

Sitting down at the kitchen table Connor set pancakes down in front of me I was super excited. Taking the butter and syrup I lathered everything on top of them and started eating.

A few minutes Mitch walked out of my room without a shirt. Obviously he didn't care because he just came and say beside me and kissed my temple.

"Good morning!" he said leaning his head on me.

"good afternoon actually!"

"what time is it?" he asked clearly confused.

"like 12:30?"

"oops! I guess I was really tired after last night I never sleep in that late" Mitch said.

My brother started to open his mouth and I looked at him and pointed my knife in his direction.

"don't." I said.

He put his hands up in surrender and just laughed. A few minutes later all the boys left and went to get ready for their game. It was just me, Mitch, and Lexi left.

"What do you guys want to do? The game isn't until 6" I said.

"I'm going to my place in a bit so it will just be you two" Lexi said.

"ah okay" I said.

Around a half hour later Lexi had left and it was once again just Mitch and me.

"so... what do you want to do?" he asked.

"I dunno, you got any ideas?"

"nope, we only have like four hours until puck drop."

"true! We could just hangout here or whatever"

"wait!" he said.


"I've heard about this really cool place called the end of the world!"


"do you want to go to the end of the world with me Ryan?"

"what the hell! Sure!"

Changing quickly into leggings and a sweatshirt I braided my hair and followed Mitch out to his car.

It was a short drive to the end of the world which was good. Once we got there we got out of the vehicle and started walking to the edge. Luckily there was no one there, so I got to take a nice photo with no one blocking the view. After handing out for a while Mitch drove back to my place, dropped me off and said he would be back in a hour to get me for the game.

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