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Ryan' P.O.V

"I'll go and get the car warmed up!" Lexi said while leaving me and Mitch.

"So, Ryan! Today when we were lying on your bed, I wanted to ask you a question! But Lexi interrupted, so i'm asking now. Will you be my girlfriend Ryan?" Mitch asked.

All I could do was cover my hands over my shocked face. Nodding my head Mitch opened his arms and I went to them. Wrapping my arms around him I just nuzzled my head into him.

"I've been waiting for this for a while!" I smiled.

"ah I was to scared to ask any sooner! I didn't want to get rejected" he laughed.

"I wouldn't have rejected you!" I laughed.

"oh well!" he smiled. "We should go before Lexi gets mad at us!"

"yeah true!"

Picking up my things me and Mitch walked over to Lexi's car. She opened the back trunk for us and I threw my gear in there.

"Sorry Lex! I just got myself a boyfriend!" I smiled.

"Ah yes!!! I'm so happy for you guys!"

I looked back at Mitch and smiled at him.

"I'm happy to!" Mitch said.

"Stop! You guys are so cute!" Lexi gushed.

"So, now we just have to hook you up with someone Lexi!" I said.

"ah yeah!" she laughed awkwardly.

Most of the car ride home was silent until Lexi's phone went off.

"Ryan can you check who that was?" she asked.

"sure!" I said.

Picking up her phone I opened it and looked at who texted her.

"Uh it's from my little nuge?"  I said.

"WAIT!" I yelled.

"What!" Mitch said.


"yeah! I am" she said.

"Why didn't you tell me!" I asked.

"well because i've been dating him for a few years now!" she laughed.

"oh my god!" for some reason I couldn't stop smiling.

"let's just drop it ok!" Lexi laughed.

"yeah okay!"

The rest of the ride home was just us talking about how many double dates we could go on now. Lexi dropped Mitch off at his place and went to drop me off.

"Do you want to come in for a bit? We don't have school tomorrow!" I asked.

"I uh have plans! But next time we will hangout, I'll text you tomorrow so we can make plans about Mitch's game!"

"alright!" I smiled.

Getting out of her car I grabbed my things and waved to Lexi as I walked into the lobby. Getting into the elevator I waited until I hit our floor. Walking out I went to our door and knocked.

No one answered so I had to dig out my key. Opening the door I put my gear down the hallway and went to lock the front door. Running back to my room I went in the shower and then went to bed.

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