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I had stayed in bed all day today. Hearing my door creak open I saw my brother standing in the doorway.

"Ryan, why haven't you been out of your room?" he asked.

"because" I just rolled over and looked at him.

Rolling back over so I was facing the wall I heard Leon sigh.

"It's Mitch isn't it?" he asked.

"ye-yeah" I said my voice breaking.

"i'm going to kill him"

"Leon just leave him. He's honestly just another hockey guy jerk" I said.

"Will you at least come out and see Connor and Nuge, their over and they are looking for you"

"fine but it's only for a little then i'm coming back here" I sighed.

Getting out of my bed I followed Leon out to the living room. Looking at Connor and Nuge they both looked at me with sad faces.

"do you want to order pizza?" Connor asked.

"I guess" I said sitting on the couch next to them.

"yo dudes tomorrow night we play the Maple Leafs" Nuge said.

I could see my brother and Connor glaring at him.

"oh... right" he said.

"no it's okay. I really don't care anymore"

"well then do you want to come to the game?" Leon asked.


"alright cool! You can sit in the box with Lauren and the other girlfriends and wives" Connor said.


A few minutes later when we decided on a pizza and ordered it there was a knock on the door. Running up I opened it and came face to face with Auston.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Mitch wants to talk to you" he said.

"okay then why didn't he just come here himself"

"because uh i'm not sure actually" Auston said.

"hmm yeah. okay bye Auston" I said closing the door.

Going back to the couch I sat down.

"Was that Matthews?" Leon asked.

"yeah he said Mitch wants to talk to me"

Leon just started laughing hysterically like it was the funniest thing ever.

"Leon stop laughing." I said.

"why? it's so funny!"

Getting up I started walking to my room.

"Ryan! come back" he said.

"no i'm going to see Lexi"

Shutting my door I put on a hoodie and sweat pants. Grabbing my phone I texted Lexi.

To Lexi cat 😻 Hey my dude can I come see you?

From Lexi cat 😻 yeah for sure! Do you need me to pick you up?

To Lexi cat 😻 alright, and I can just walk :)

From Lexi cat 😻 okay see you soon buddie!

Leaving my room I grabbed my backpack and threw my coat, gloves, and wallet inside.

"I'm going to Lexi's i'll be back later"

"do you need a ride?" Connor asked.

"i'll just walk, thanks though!" I smiled.

Leaving the boys I started my journey to Lexi's house.

Mitch's P.O.V

Watching as Ryan disappeared through the crowd of people I turned to leave and head back home.

A few days without her wouldn't be to bad. I could hangout with Auston and Will go to practice hangout with the team.

Once I got home I just went to lounge on the couch. After lying around for about an hour I got a text from Will and Auston.

Da Boyz 😏
W- you guys wanna go for dinner?
A- sure! where?
M- we should go to the outback
W- im in
A- me to!
W- what time?
A- now?
M- okay, want me to drive?

Putting my phone away I put on a pair of jeans and my Maple Leafs hoodie. Grabbing my keys I headed out of the house to pick the boys up.

"Mitch! Next week we're going to Edmonton you have to show us around!" Auston said.

"okay but I literally only went to school, the rink, or Ryan's place" I laughed.

"you went to the mall to!" Will said.

"how do you know?" I asked.

"because you told us!"


Once we made it to the restaurant I parked my truck and we started walking inside.

"Mitchell!" I heard someone yell.

Turning around I looked and saw Lucy. What the hell.

"uh you guys can go inside i'll come find you when i'm done"

Watching them walk inside I turned to look at Lucy.

"Mitchell Marner! I haven't seen you in like half a year" she said.

"yeah... it's been a while, i'd love to catch up Lucy but I have to go" I said.

"your girlfriend is in there?" she asked.

"no, she's back home but my teammates are in there" I looked at the door hoping she would get the message and leave me alone.

"oh! your still dating Ryan Draisaitl aren't you?" she smiled.

"yeah, I am!"

"she's cute! but honestly I don't think she's the one for you!"

"alright Lucy I really have to go now" I said turning to leave.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards her. Tracing her fingers up my chest she tilted my head so I was looking at her.

"Well if your going to stay with Ryan i'll just do this" she said crashing our lips together "so you know what your missing" she said as she pulled away.

"I'll see you around Mitchell."

I stood there shocked out of my mind. What the hell was wrong with her. Walking inside I went to find Will and Auston finding them at a booth in the back I slid in next to Will and just starred at my hands.

"Hey buddy everything alright?" Auston asked.

"no, she kissed me" I said.

"who? that girl?" Will asked.


"don't worry dude, i'm sure no one saw you can just tell Ryan what happened i'm sure she'll understand" Will said.

"I hope your right I don't want to lose her"

The rest of dinner was quiet and we didn't really talk to much. When it was over I drove them home and went back to my place. I was up all night contemplating weather or not I should call Ryan. I was nervous to what she would say when I told her but I also thought about what would happen if I didn't tell her and somehow she found out. Sighing I put my phone away and went to bed.

My Allstar (Mitch Marner) Where stories live. Discover now