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Waking up in the morning I was still wrapped up in Connor's arms and I smiled just pulling the blankets back up over us. I heard a small knock at the door and I hoped Leon was up to get it. Once I heard the door open I closed my eyes again trying to get myself to fall back asleep.

Peaking my head up after attempting to fall asleep I saw Lexi and Lauren. Getting up off the couch I went into the kitchen to see them.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"It's like noon you have to get ready for the game!" Lauren said.

"but the doors to Rogers don't even open until 6 and the puck doesn't drop until 7?"

"yeah, but we have to get ready anyways! It's going to take a while to get you ready" Lexi said.

"what's that suppose to mean?" I asked.

"oh nothing. Just come with us!"

Literally dragging me out of the apartment with my brother laughing. Getting into Lexi's vehicle I was super confused about what was going on.

"where are we going?"

"we're going to show Mitch that he made a mistake" Lexi said.

"yeah but for all we know he didn't kiss Lucy?" I said.

"well he hasn't tried to contact you so until proven not he's guilty" Lauren said.

Shaking my head I just watched as all the green highway signs passed us. I kept seeing signs saying West Edmonton Mall. Great we're going to the freakin mall and I look semi homeless nice.

"why didn't you guys let me change first, I look gross and my breath smells bad" I whined.

"put this on and chew this." Lauren tossed some things into the back seat.

She gave me leggings and a new hoodie I found the piece of gum she tossed me and popped it in my mouth. Quickly changing I looked down and saw I was wearing Mitch's extra Maple Leafs hoodie.

"Lauren." I said.

Turning around I watched her face go a little red.

"i'm sorry it was the first one I saw!"

"it's okay"

Once we made it to the mall we parked by the water park and went inside. Walking into pink first Lexi and Lauren made me try on a whole wack of different things until they decided they didn't like anything and we left and went to go to a different store. I could tell we would be here for a while at the rate we were going through each store.

Mitch's P.O.V

Finally making it to Edmonton I got off the plane and texted Auston and Will.

Da Boyz 😏
M- yo idiots im in etown come get me.
W- I thought you weren't suppose to be here until the morning
M- plans changed. please come get me.
A- hopping an uber be there soon

Walking over to the luggage carousel I knew I would have to wait forever until the luggage came.

Sitting on a bench nearby I waited until I heard the buzzer go off. Getting up I went and mine was one of the first ones to come in thank god. Picking it off the carousel I went and texted Mitch that I was at entrance B2. Waiting a little while longer I watched a car pull up.

Auston 🙄- get in loser we're going shopping

Picking up my suitcase I went out to the car. Tossing my things into the car beside Will the uber started driving. us back to the hotel. It was a short ride which was nice because it's so awkward in uber's.

Once we were dropped off Auston and Will took me up to their room and we went straight to bed since it was pretty late out and we would be in trouble if we were caught out of bed.

I know it sounds childish to have a rule like that but one time we had a guy on our team miss curfew and coach benched him for the next game. So we all take it pretty seriously.

Yesterday was a pretty bad day after I had gotten to the hotel I went to sleep but when I woke up in the morning so many people were tagging me in this one photo on twitter. I looked at it and saw it was the one of me and Lucy kissing. Scrolling through the comments I saw Ryan was tagged to.

So yesterday Auston went to Ryan's place to see if she would talk to me but he came back and said she wouldn't. The worst part about all this was that today was the day my team had to play the Oilers. I was nervous I knew Leon, Connor, and Nugent-Hopkins would protect Ryan at all costs.

Getting ready to go to Rogers Place I was getting more nervous by the second. It was almost 3pm we had to go and start getting our warmups in. I just hoped tonight wouldn't be as bad as I thought it would.

Ryan's P.O.V

Finally around 3pm we were done at the mall. Lexi and Lauren had bought me a new pair of jeans for tonight and a shit ton of makeup. I told them they didn't need to bother since I didn't really wear that much makeup anyways but they insisted.

Lexi dropped me and Lauren off at the apartment and the she went home to get ready to go to the bar with her school friends.

Lauren and me spent around a hour and a bit getting ready for the game and then we went out for dinner. I just wore the new jeans they got me and Mitch's leafs hoodie.

We ended up going to a really nice restaurant near the rink and then headed to the game. We made it just in time for the national anthems and then the game had started.

There was about ten minutes left in the third period and Mitch and Leon were out together. I was nervous for what was going to happen because on the big screen my brother didn't look to happy.

Watching Mitch skate to get the puck I watched as Leon chased him. Covering my eyes a little I watched as Leon smashed Mitch into the boards at a funny angle. Leon skated away and Mitch stayed down. I watched his teams trainer come out on to the ice to help Mitch off. Once he disappeared from the bench I started freaking out.


I swear to god it's crazy town in my neighbourhood tonight. 🙄 One of my neighbours decides it's fun to snowblow their car off at 10:45 and now another one is shovelling at 12:30 am yay life 😭

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