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Pushing the door open I was greeted by the familiar smell of sweat and perfume.

Walking in all the girls looked at me. One of them stood up.

"SHES HERE!!!" the girl screamed.

Running up to me she gave me a hug. I think I was going to like this team already.

"You can come sit by me! My names Madison but you can call me Mads or Maddie or whatever! Also if you hear coach calling someone wheels that's also me cause i'm speedy!" she said.

"Shut up Maddie! She's probably scared of you!" another girl yelled.

"Darby leave me alone!" she smirked.

All the girls started laughing and getting ready.

Once I had all my gear on I filled up my water bottle. Grabbing my sticks I walked out of the room, being one of the first on the ice I skated over to my new coach.

"Hello Ryan! We're so excited to have you on our team this season!"

"I'm excited to be here!"

I assumed that the lady I talked to at the front was another coach or maybe a manager.

"So Ryan, what position do you usually play?"

"I'm usually a right wing forward" I smiled.

"okay perfect! We actually need another one of those!"

"really! sweet!" I helped her with the net.

"Ryannnn!" I heard Maddie.

"yes?" I yelled back and turned around.

Looking at Maddie skate over to me she sprayed me with a ton of snow when she stopped. Glancing up into the stands I could see Connor laughing at me.

"Is that guy up there your boyfriend?" she asked.

"uh yeah, he's only here this one time! My brother couldn't drive me today" I smiled awkwardly.

"nice! What's his name?"

I was about to tell her but coach blew the whistle. We all skated over to her and went on one knee in a semi circle.

"okay girls! We have a new player in case you didn't notice. Her name is Ryan Draisaitl make her feel welcome please"

I heard everyone gasp when she mentioned my last name. Maddie leaned over to me and whispered into my ear.

"Your brother is on the Oilers! Can I meet Connor Mcdavid?" she laughed.

Somehow I knew she was joking. So I just quietly laughed with her.

Coach made us do a regular butterfly for warmup. Skating around the outsides of the rink then all meeting up in the middle and doing some stretches between the blue lines.

Practice went by fairly smooth. I was happy that no one noticed Connor up in the stands. Walking into the dressing room everyone was talking about my brother playing for the Oilers.

"Obviously this is super exciting! BUT! We're not going to suck up to Ryan just to meet the Oilers, right?" Darby said. 

"Yes Captain!" Maddie said while the rest of the team followed suit and said yes.

I was the first one undressed not wanting to make Connor wait for me. Saying goodbye to my new teammates I walked down the hallway until I met up with Connor. Hearing Maddie yelling after me down the hallway I turned and waited until she caught up.

My Allstar (Mitch Marner) Where stories live. Discover now