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•Time skip to midway through Mitch's rookie season•

A few months ago already me and Mitch had moved in together. It was official that we were living together.

I had met a few of his team mates, Auston Matthews, and William Nylander. Who I learned were very close with Mitch in the last few months they got to know each other.

Lexi had gotten over the fact that I was moving to Toronto with Mitch. She said she was okay as long as she still got to hangout with me when I came back for visits.

Walking out of me and Mitch's room and into the living room I found him sitting on the couch with Auston and William.

"Hey guys!" I smiled.

"Hey Ryan!"

"come sit with us!" Will said.

"we're watching a movie" Auston told me.


sitting on the couch next to Mitch and Auston I snuggled into Mitch's side. The boys didn't have a game until later tonight and their coach wanted to see how they would play if they didn't have a practice the same day as a game. So last night they had a practice and tonight they have a game.

In the middle of the movie my phone started ringing. Picking it up I didn't even check who was calling.


"Ryan, thank-god" I heard Connor say.

"Connor, what's going on?" I asked.

"your brother is freaking out he can't find his lucky socks"

I rolled my eyes and laughed a little.

"Tell him to check beside the dryer they always fall down there"

"okay thanks"

"no problem!"

"I miss you Ryan, come back home soon please"

"I will Connor! I miss you to!"

"okay we'll talk later! Bye"


Hanging up I looked at the boys and they were all looking at me.

"what?" I asked.

"was that Connor Mcdavid?" Will and Auston asked.

"uh yeah?"

"You know him?"

"yeah... he's on my brothers team...?"

"you guys I already told you this!" Mitch laughed.

Our movie was forgotten and we just talked about the most random things.

"like one time I was walking home and he got stuck in a tree, I couldn't stop laughing and my mom was pissed at me" William said.

"Yeah I would be pretty mad if you left me in a freakin tree" Auston laughed.

I wasn't even paying attention to what they were saying anymore. After hearing Connor's voice I missed everyone back home a lot. Getting up I went to the kitchen to grab a water bottle. I told myself not to cry but a few tears slipped out. Quickly wiping them away because I heard someone coming. I looked up and saw Mitch.

"everything okay?"

"uh yeah! Perfect" I smiled.



"everything isn't fine is it?" he asked.

That was it the seal was broken and I couldn't stop crying. Mitch just pulled me into his arms. I could hear him talking to Will and Auston telling them he would see them at the rink.

"here let's sit" he said.

We both slid down onto the floor and Mitch wrapped me in his arms again. I was sitting in between his legs and was just lying my head on his chest.

"what's wrong?"

"I just miss everyone back home. I just feel like I need to go see them" I said.

"you know your always allowed to go see them if you want to, just say the word and i'll have everything set up"

I always hated when Mitch payed for things for me. I knew he made money but I didn't know how much he'd be making in his rookie season, I didn't want him to spend his money on me.

"Mitch, you know I don't like it when you do that for me"

"I know but I want to, I want you to be happy Ryan. and if you going home to spend time with your brother and everyone makes you happy then i'm more than ready to do anything for you" he said.

"I guess but what-"

He made me stop talking by kissing me. Once we broke apart he got up and pulled me up with him.

"you go pack babe and i'll get you set up, i'm assuming you'll just want a ticket there and then you can book one home?" he asked.

"sure!" I smiled.

"Thanks for doing this Mitch! I love you" I hugged him.

That was the first time I had told him I loved him. But I really did he was so concerned all the time about my feelings and wanted to make sure I was always happy.

Running to our room I got a small bag and put a few things inside. Grabbing a bigger bag I folded it up and put it inside so I could grab some more things from my room back home.

"I'm ready!" I announced when I saw Mitch.

"alright! So am I" he smiled.

Grabbing his keys he put his jacket on and we went out to his vehicle. The ride to the airport wasn't that long which was good.

"Okay! So next week the leafs are coming to Edmonton to play the Oilers, so i'll see you then!" he smiled.

"See you then! I'll miss you for like the seven days we're away from each other!" I laughed.

"i'll miss you to! I love you Ryan, text me when you land" he said.

"I will!"

Giving Mitch a hug and kiss I was off. Walking through the crowds of people to find my gate.

I had already been in Edmonton for a few days and I already felt better. Me and Lexi had hung out and went to the mall and other things. Leon, Connor, and, Ryan were all happy I was home.

Waking up one morning I decided to go on twitter. Looking I had 20+ notifications which was weird. Clicking to check what they were I looked and most of them were random people tagging me to look at a photo.

Clicking on the photo I zoomed in and saw Mitch with some girl attached to his lips. Swiping through the photos I kept looking until I found one where I could see the girls face. Zooming in I saw her face and almost screamed it was Lucy.

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