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Skating around the rink for about a hour and a half we finally got off and left. Finding Connor we told him we were ready to leave.

"Thank-god I was starting to think you guys would never leave! I have to go home and pack to head back to Newmarket" he said.

"sorry dude! You could have told us!" I laughed.

"it's cool! Don't you have to pack Mitch?" Connor asked.

"right, uh yeah I do!" he said.

We followed Connor out of the arena and walked to Mitch's car. Giving Connor a hug I told him i'd see him in August. Getting into Mitch's car the ride was silent back to my place. We were taking Lexi with us so she could hangout with Nuge. I didn't know what I was going to say to Mitch when we got back.

Finally making it to the complex Mitch parked and we got out of the car. Walking into the building we got on the elevator and hit floor seven.

Once we made it to the floor we all got off and started walking to our apartment room. Lexi started running down the hallway and just shoved open the door.

"Ryan!" we heard her yell.

Just laughing me and Mitch kept walking until we made it inside.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked me.

"of course! let's go to my room"

Leaving Lexi and Ryan, me and Mitch went to my room.

"So?" I asked.

Sitting on my bed Mitch came and sat beside me.

"So, I have to leave back home tomorrow so I can figure everything out with my family for how everything is going to work once I start playing for the leafs."

"alright" I said.

"so I was just wondering if once I figured everything out, you would want to come with me?"

"Like live with you?" I asked a little shocked.

"yeah, I mean only if you want to!" he laughed nervously.

"I would love to! I just have to run it by my brother of course" I smiled.

Mitch pulled me into him and I hugged him.

"I was so worried you were going to say no, I mean we have only been dating for a few months now!" he laughed.

"I wouldn't say no! I was scared that you were going to leave me behind when you went to Toronto" I looked at him.

"I wouldn't ever leave you behind I honestly can't picture my life without you" he kissed my forehead.

"I can't picture my life without you either!"

After a few minutes of just sitting I crawling under my covers and patted the spot next to me, wanting Mitch to come and sit next to me.

"Wanna watch netflix?" I asked.

"sure! But shouldn't we check on Lexi and Nuge?" he asked.

"eh no, they are quiet so I think i'd be scared to go out there, I've walked into one of their makeout sessions before and it's gross!" I laughed.

"alright i'll take your word for it!" he smiled.

Picking a show on netflix we started watching end of the f***ing world.
Around halfway through the third episode we had passed out.

Waking up in the morning I could still feel Mitch next to me. Looking at the clock I saw the time and shook Mitch to wake him up.

"Babe, you have to get up!" I tapped him on the face.

"five more minutes!" he whined while rolling over.

"no, you have to get up now!" I laughed.

"fine" he sighed.

Watching him roll out of the bed he landed on the floor with a thud. I just laughed at him and he got up and dragged me out of the bed and onto the floor with him.

"what are you doing!" I screamed.

"oh nothing!" he sung taunting me.

I ended up on my back on my uncomfortable hardwood floor. Mitch straddled me and put his hands on either side of my head. Just staring into each other's eyes he leaned down and kissed me.

"well that was nice! and as much as I want to keep doing this, you have to go pack!"

"right! ugh I don't want to, I want to stay here with you forever!" he sighed.

"me to!" I smiled poking his nose.

"I will have everything figured out in the next few weeks and then you can come down!" he said helping me off the floor.

"alright! That's not even to bad! It's only a few weeks and we can text and call until then!"

"for sure!" he said.

I followed him out of my room and to the front door. Looking around no one was in the apartment. Once Mitch left it was just going to be me.

"Well! I better get going! But i'll see you in a few weeks!" he smiled while hugging me.

Hugging him back I gave him a kiss and then he was gone. Shutting the door behind him I sighed sliding down the wall next to the door, I tried to make the tears go away but they wouldn't. I knew it was silly to cry over Mitch leaving but we spent everyday together and now he was just gone.

Hearing a knock on the door I looked through the peep hole and saw Connor, Leon, and Nuge. Opening it I let them inside.

"I though you were leaving today Connor?" I asked.

"nope, plans changed and i'm not leaving until next week! Plus I couldn't leave knowing my best friends little sister was sad." he said.

"How did you guys know I was sad?" I asked.

"we ran into Mitch downstairs in the lobby and he said he was leaving so we figured you might be sad" Leon said.

"well i'm a little sad but i'll see him again in a few weeks" I smiled.

"I say whatever and we should just watch movies and eat popcorn" Nuge said.

We all laughed at him and him and Connor went to go pick a movie and me and Leon went to make the snacks.

"So uh Leon I have something to ask you" I said.

"go for it" he said while putting the popcorn in the microwave.

"so" I said while opening the twizzlers. "Mitch asked me a super important question and I haven't said yes or no because I said I needed to run in past you first."

"and the question is?" Leon said while taking the popcorn out of the microwave.

"he asked me to come live with him once he gets his own place in Toronto" I smiled.

"WHAT!" he yelled while accidentally ripping open the popcorn bag.

Watching all the popcorn fly every which direction I knew this wouldn't be a very good conversation and it wouldn't end well for me.

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