212) Fluffy Disaster-Ignis

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

"Iggy?" I called out his name as I saw his side of the bed was empty. We had arrived in Lestallum late last night, but I expected him to at least sleep in for awhile. "Maybe he went out already."

Checking the bathroom, I see no signs of Ignis. I pulled out my phone and called the royal advisor. When I heard his ringtone coming from under the sheets, the worry in my chest blossomed. Lifting the sheets slowly, I was scared by a loud 'kweh' and screamed out. My foot caught the sheets and I fell backwards. My head hit the carpet beside the bed, cushioning my fall to some extent. I groaned in pain as I let my vision clear.

A high-pitch chirp resounded right next to me and I turned my head. When I saw it was a chocobo chick, I awed at the sight. The bird was nuzzling its head against my cheek as if it were asking if I was alright. "I-I'm fine, but I'll have a headache for awhile. Where did you come from, little guy?"

At this distance, I was able to get a better view of the bird. The color of its feathers reminded me of Ignis' hair and the animal even had the same pair of glasses as him. A thought popped into my head, but I quickly tossed it aside. "There's no way you're Ignis."

When I said the strategist's name, the chocobo chirped. I picked up the bird and examined its eyes. They were emerald just like Ignis'. "Is... Is that really you, Iggy?" The chick replies with a soft tweet.

"Oh, gods... how'd this happen?" I question. Still a little dizzy from where I hit my head, I slowly get to my feet while still holding onto Ignis. I sat him on the soft sheets just as the door to my room flew open.

"(Y/n)!" Prompto bellows.

"You okay?" Noctis asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry for screaming."

Gladio notices the chocobo chick on my bed and raises a brow at the sight. "What's with the chocobo?"

"Uh... that's... well, it's Ignis." I place my hands together and fiddle with my fingers. "Don't ask me how he ended up like this. I've no clue."

"Guess you're on chocobo duty 'til Speccy returns to normal. Hope you don't mind, (Y/n)," the prince exclaims.

"I've no qualms with taking care of Ignis. Honestly, I wouldn't trust him with the likes of any of you." I realized how harsh that sounded and sighed. "I mean that in the sweetest way possible."

"I wouldn't either," Gladio admits with a slight chuckle. "Let's go see what Holly wants. We'll be stickin' around for awhile. May as well past the time by helping her."

Prompto walked up to Ignis and glanced at me. "Can I carry him for awhile?"

"Um, sure. I don't see why not."

Prompto smiled, reaching down to pick up Ignis. The moment his hands touched his feathers, the tactician squawked in warning at the blonde boy. He immediately backed away and almost tripped over his own feet. "What's the deal, Iggy?"

Bewildered at the advisor's sudden hostility, I reached out and touched his head. I received no threat as he nuzzled his head into the palm of my hand.

"Guess you're the only one who can touch him, (Y/n)," Gladio states.

"Why? I'm not gonna hurt him!" The sharpshooter whines.

"She is his girlfriend, after all," Noctis reminds the boy.

"Yeah, but still..."

"Don't pout, Prom." I scoop Ignis up in my arms and carry him close to my chest. "I'll carry him."

We left the Leville and headed to the power plant. As we passed through the market, tons of people were drawn to the chocobo in my arms. A few kids asked what the bird's name was and I simply gave them Ignis' name.

Halfway through the busy pathways of the market, someone had accidentally bumped into my arm. A shriek erupted from my throat as I clung tightly onto Ignis. His soft plumage tickled my skin as I prevented him from falling. Unfortunately, his glasses fell and I couldn't spot them.

Noctis heard my shriek and I told him about Ignis' glasses falling off. "He's gonna go crazy if we don't find 'em," the prince said as he searched.

"I just hope no one steps on them." Peering down in my arms, I was curious to see how Ignis was reacting to his missing spectacles. Surprisingly, he was very calm and only snuggled closer to me.

"Found them!" Noctis declares. The prince carefully placed the glasses in his pocket to prevent them from being destroyed. Ignis watched closely from my arms with slightly narrowed eyes, his gaze piercing through Noctis' being.

I poked his cheek, earning a soft chirp from him. "Noct won't let anything happen to your glasses, Iggy. You'll get them back once you return to normal."

Gladio and Prompto had gone ahead, questioning Holly if she needed any help. When they returned to Noctis and me, they shared what she wanted us to help with. Two pylons needed to be checked on, which should be easy. "The three of us will go. (Y/n), you stay here and watch over Iggy," the shield explains.

"That'd be for the best. If a few monsters decided to jump us, it would be hard to protect Iggy," I concur with his plan. Then, my eyes darted over to Noctis. "Drive safely."

"Will do. Don't get too bored while we're gone," the raven haired boy snickers.

I smiled and leaned forward to press a kiss against Ignis' feathery head. "I won't."

The trio waved farewell as they left Lestallum. Due to the humidity, I decided to take Ignis to the outlook. The cool breeze was blowing gently as I sat him beside me on a bench. I glanced down at the chocobo that had snuggled up against my thigh as the wind ruffled his feathers. "Are you feeling alright, Ignis?"

He peeps softly in response and lays his head on my thigh. Our peaceful moment was interrupted when a boy around my age walks up to us. "Excuse me, I'm new here. Where's the best place to eat?"

"From experience, I'd say the best place to eat is the eatery in the market," I reply in a flat tone, hoping he would just take my word and leave. Sadly, my hope was shot down.

"Can you show me the way?" He asked, a grin spreading across his face.

"The market isn't difficult to get to. Follow the signs and you'll find it," my snarky tone seethes.

The boy snatched my wrist and pulled me off the bench. "C'mon, don't be so mean! Just be nice and show me the way. I could use the company of a cute girl."

Before I could protest, an arm wrapped around my waist and another pried the boy's hand off my wrist. My body was pulled back against a lean chest and I gasped at the sudden contact. "I do believe the lady desires to stay," a familiar voice rings out above me. The boy backs away and sprints off with fear brimming from his being.

When I tried to turn and face Ignis, I realized I couldn't move an inch. The hold he had on my body was tight but not painful. "When did you change back?"

"A few moments ago. (Y/n), are you hurt?" He asked worriedly.

"My wrist hurts from where he grabbed me. Besides that, I'm perfectly fine." Looking upwards, I saw his emerald eyes peering down into mine. "Oh, shoot! I forgot Noct has your glasses!"

All Ignis did was smile and place a gentle kiss on my cheek. "I will endure without them for the time being. For now, let me examine your head."

"My head? There's nothing wrong with it."

"The stumble a couple of hours ago was my fault. I must check to see if there is any swelling."

"You don't need to-ow!" The moment his hand skimmed over the spot my head had met with the carpet, I yelped out in pain.

Ignis immediately pulled his hand away. "Apologies, my dear."

"N-No, don't worry 'bout it. I'll put some ice on the bump when we return to the Leville. Hopefully, the swelling will go down in a few hours. In the meantime, wanna go see what the market has in stock? We're in need of some ingredients."

Ignis gently took my hand and kissed the top of it. "Let's."

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