235) Prompto

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A/n: A request from HerMajestyButter. Hope y'all got some tissues! I cried while writing this. Love you all!!!
~3rd Person POV~

"I'm sorry, Prompto," (Y/n) said, her tone brimming with sorrow.

"N-No, (Y/n)! Don't go with him! Don't sacrifice yourself for us!" Prompto begged as she stepped on the airship with Ardyn. He struggled against the MT that was pinning him to the ground next to Noctis.

The four had been incapacitated while (Y/n) was approached by the chancellor. The man threatened to have the four killed if she didn't come with him. In the end, she gave up her life to save theirs and left with Ardyn.

Prompto broke free and stormed after the airship with tears streaming down his face. He panted as he continued to pursue the airship as fast as he could. When it was out of sight, the boy fell to his knees and let out a wail of sorrow.


Prompto's eyes flew open as he awoke from his deep slumber. When he checked the other side of the bed, it was cold and empty. He knew the nightmare was a reality when he remembered it only happened a week ago.

The boy no longer could keep himself together and bursted into tears at the horrid memory. He clutched her bracelet to his chest, tears drowning a few of the metallic petals and gems.

 He clutched her bracelet to his chest, tears drowning a few of the metallic petals and gems

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"Come back. Please..."

He was a mess ever since (Y/n) left with the enemy. He hardly ate and it was rare for him to sleep through the entire night without reliving the same nightmare over and over again.

An hour flew by and Prompto realized it was only six in the morning. He sighed and left the motel room to get some fresh air. He slid the bracelet in his pocket and took out his phone. On his screen was a picture of a smiling (Y/n). Her back was facing the beautiful ocean and nothing could outshine her brilliant smile, not even the sun could rival her radiance.

Suddenly, Prompto felt a hand on his shoulder and looked over it. Noctis, along with Gladio and Ignis, had followed him out. "What're you guys doin' up so early?"

"We heard you scream from our room. The nightmare again?" Noctis asked melancholically.

Prompto nods, sliding his phone back in his pocket. "It won't stop. I can't get the scene out of my head. We have to save (Y/n)!"

"Prom, we miss her, too, but... where do we start lookin'? She could be as far as Niflheim," Gladio sighed.

"I'm not giving up on her! I love her too much to just give up! What if.... What if Ardyn hurts her, or... or worse!"

"I concur. We must locate (Y/n). Her safety is utmost priority as of now," Ignis said.

"Yeah. She's done so much for us. I'm not letting that bastard win," Noctis hisses.

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