237) Noctis

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A/n: Another request from Sabrinakaze6. This will be a short one shot. Love you all!!!
~(Y/n)'s POV~

"Noct, are you sure you know how to drive this thing?" I ask, clutching tightly to the seat as Noctis drove the Royal Vessel.

"I've got this, (Y/n). I might not be as good as Cid, but I know how to drive a boat," he confidently replied.

"You can barely drive the Regalia," I nip at him.

"Boats and cars are completely different," he defends.

I sigh, not wishing to argue about this while we were out on a date. Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis were back in Caem while the two of us were traveling the clear waters and rolling waves.

When Noctis finally brought the vessel to a gentle stop, I pried my nails out of the expensive leather and stood up. My (h/c) tresses whipped in the wind, bringing the taste of salt with it. The prince stood from the driver's seat and sent me a smirk. "Told ya."

"Whatever floats your boat," I said unconsciously.

"Was that a pun?"

"Uh, that just slipped. I didn't intentionally say that."

He snorted, "Still counts as a pun."

We sat down and enjoyed a lunch Ignis had prepared by request from Noctis. The raven-haired boy admitted the date was a last-minute thing and really wanted to be alone with me for a few hours without the other boys pestering us. Even Ignis was throwing in a few of his own smart remarks, making it a tirade of teasing. I agreed to the date in heartbeat, knowing we both deserved a small getaway.

Finished with lunch, we stood side by side and watched the myriads of fish swim under and beside the boat. When a huge fish with rainbow scales swam by, I felt Noctis' demeanor change. The hand that was holding mine squeezed my fingers tightly and I knew exactly what he was wanting to do. "Noct, you can fish."


"I know we're on a date, but that doesn't mean you have to hold yourself back. Go ahead and fish."

He smiled like a child before conjuring his fishing rod and casting the line. The boy pecked me on the cheek before he gave the fish his full attention. I sat on the seat behind him and pulled out my phone. A slew of messages from Prompto conquered my screen. A few were asking how things were going and if Noctis had crashed the boat yet.

I answered his texts before I heard the prince let out a whoop. He reeled in a rather large fish with turquoise scales. He turned and showed me the aquatic creature. "Do you think Specs could use this in one of his dishes?"

"Jeez, Noct. You could feed an army with that fish," I exaggerate.

"I know. It's the biggest one I've caught!"

Seeing his bright smile brought forth my own. It always made me happy to see him enjoying himself. Our date turned into a fishing trip as Noctis went on to catch numerous of fish in a span of a few hours.

Around noon, Noctis asked if I wanted to try. I shook my head, "I don't think you should give me a fishing rod. The last time you did, I almost dropped it in the water."

"Don't worry 'bout it, (Y/n). It's just a fishing rod. Not like I can't buy a new one."

I huff, giving in as he casted me a pleading look with his sapphire eyes. Noctis triumphantly smiled and handed me the fishing rod.

Ten minutes flew by before I even got my first bite. Noctis stood next to me as I tried to reel in the fish. I learned quickly that the fish was huge when its gentle tugs turned into strong pulls. When I went to pull again, the fish reciprocated with even more strength. A yelp left my lips as the fish pulled me off the boat and into the water.

"(Y/n)!" I heard Noctis shout as I swam to the surface.

"I'm fine," I said, floating beside the boat. My (h/c) locks stuck to my face and I pushed them aside. Noctis ran to the back of the boat while I swam to meet him. He grabbed my hands and pulled me out of the cool water, safely getting me back on the boat. He guided me to the white leather seats before grabbing a towel. He placed it on my head and gently dried off my hair. "I'm sorry, Noct. I lost your fishing rod."

"I'm more worried about you than some fishing rod, (Y/n). A rod is replaceable, you aren't." Noctis stopped drying my hair and kissed me on the lips. It was short and my cheeks were engulfed in a deep red. The boy chuckled when he saw my red cheeks and poked them. "Love you, (Y/n)."

I smiled softly. "Love you, too, goofball."

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