203) Horizon: Zero Dawn-Gladiolus

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A/n: Part 3 of 4 in my Horizon: Zero Dawn crossovers! I got carried away with this one and it's over 4,000 words. hope y'all enjoy!! Love you all!!!
~3rd Person POV~

"How long have we been here?" Gladio asked with a slight snarl.

"A day," Ignis replies.

The four friends woke up to find themselves imprisoned in an unknown world. They've only seen one person, learning they were part of something called the 'Shadow Carja'. The clothing they wore was awfully strange, nothing someone would wear on Eos.

"Do we even know where we are?" Prompto questioned.

"Not a single clue. We need to find a way out of here," Noctis growls as he tries to break the bars of the cell.

"We can't even summon a single weapon," Gladio huffs in annoyance. Noctis sighs in disbelief, his head now resting on the cold metal.

Another hour passed when suddenly they heard the sound of scuffling above them. The guard on watch near the cell got to his feet with a bow in hand and ran up the stairs. The companions flew to their feet and tried to see if they could spot anything. The only sounds they could hear were yelling, explosions, and the sounds of bodies falling one by one.

"Whoever is causing such a skirmish is doing quite well," Ignis comments.

"Get her!" They heard a man shout just above. More screams filled the air around them.

"Maybe she's friendly?" Prompto ponders.

"Or she's not," Noctis said.

Gladio eyed the top of the stairs just as another member of the Shadow Carja entered. "How do you the Nora girl?!" He barks at them.

"What the hell are you talkin' about?" Gladio snaps back.

"The Nora girl who controls machines! How do you—" The man didn't get to finish his sentence before a spear impaled him from behind. Blood poured from his chest as the spear was yanked from his body. When the man fell, the boys' gazes were glued to a young girl around their age. She wore a completely different set of clothing from the other men in the camp.

 She wore a completely different set of clothing from the other men in the camp

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She was silent as she unlocked the cell to free them. Once out, they kept their eyes on the girl as she slung her bow across her back and held her spear in one hand. "What tribe do you hail from?" Hearing her speak snapped the boys back to reality.

"Uh, tribe?" Noctis asked. She nods, waiting for an answer. "We're not from a tribe."

"If you're not from a tribe, where is your home?"

"We live in the city of Insomnia. Do you... do you know where we're talkin' about?" Prompto puzzled.

She shook her head. "The only city you'll find is Meridian. By your clothes, I can tell you're not from the Cut, either."

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