244) Ignis

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A/n: A request from anonymous.

FYI- I will be solely working on my Detroit: Become Human book for awhile. I've dipped out of the FFXV, but I will return and finish the remaining requests soon!

Love you all!!!
~(Y/n)'s POV~

"How long?" I ask my doctor.

"I'm not sure, (Y/n). It may be a few weeks or even months until you lose your vision. Is there someone who can take care of you or will you be needing to hire someone?"

"I don't know. It's not like I have a boyfriend or a husband."

"If you'd like, I could recommend a caretaker for you."

"I really don't want to waste money on a caretaker," I groan.

"You don't have to call right away. Just give it some thought," my doctor smiles.

"I will. Have a good day."

She nods, "You, too, (Y/n)."

Exiting the office, I shuffle back to my apartment with a frown plastered on my face. I entered the door and tossed the key on the kitchen counter. Entering the living room, I found Ignis resting on the couch. "Iggy, I wasn't expecting you to be here. What's the occasion?" I smile.

"No such special occasion that I know of, (Y/n). I simply desired to visit you after your appointment and see if all is well."

"Uh, yeah. Everything's fine," I lie while my smile turned into a forced one. I regretted lying the moment Ignis frowned. Quickly, I stepped away and shuffled down the hallway to my bedroom so I could change. Also, I hoped my absence would drop the subject and Ignis' frown would be gone by the time I was done changing.

Back in the living room, I search the counter for my key. When I couldn't find it, I called out to Ignis for help. "Iggy, do you know where my key went?"

The advisor walked into the kitchen and picked up something in front of me. "It was where you left it, darling."

"I just checked where I left it. It wasn't on the counter," I said.

He placed the key down and grabbed my hand that was resting on the counter. "(Y/n), what did the doctor say?"

I looked away, eyes falling to the tile under my feet. "It's nothing to concern yourself with."

When Ignis released my hand, I expected him to step away. I was completely taken aback when both of his hands cupped my face and forced my gaze away from the floor. My (e/c) gaze met with his piercing emerald one as he tilted my head up. "Be truthful with me."

A heavy sigh left my lips as I knew lying was pointless. "She said my vision is failing. Eventually, I'll go completely blind. She couldn't specify an exact timeframe, but she said it could be weeks or even months. I also might have to start saving up for a caretaker. Gods know how much that'll siphon out of my wallet."

Ignis seemed to fall into deep thought at my words. As he contemplated with his own thoughts, I pulled away and searched for my phone. Luckily, my doctor gave me the number of the caretaker she recommended before I left. As I was dialing the number, my phone was snatched from my hand. I turned to face the culprit. "Ignis, I need to make this call."

"It is unnecessary, (Y/n)."

"No, it's not. I need to call a caretaker as soon as possible. I seriously doubt I should get behind the wheel of a car if I can't even find a key on the counter!" I jumped for my phone, but Ignis pulled it further from my reach. "Ignis, I know you're worried, but I need someone to take care of me. I've no boyfriend nor husband to support me through this."

"That can change."

My brows knitted together. "Change? What're you talking about? It's not like I have someone knocking on my door right now asking to be my boyfriend and wanting to take care of me."

"That's because he already has the spare key."

Connecting the pieces, my eyes widened in shock. I couldn't move my body as what Ignis was saying shook me to my very core. "Y-You're just pulling my leg..."

"Far from it. I am being a hundred percent truthful," he said with a rare smile. He sat my phone down and took my hands in his. "I care deeply about you, (Y/n)."

"B-But, you're Noctis' advisor. Your hands are already full with him. I'd just add to the chaos."

"Nonsense, my dear. You will never be a burden."

"You already have a full schedule. Adding me into the mix will just cause more restless hours. I can't do that to you." I pull my hands out of his and pace around the coffee table, running my hands through my (h/c) locks. "As much as I love you, I can't allow you to do this."

Without warning, Ignis closed the distance between us and presses his lips against mine in a breathtaking kiss. I fell into shock, but it was erased with joy.

Breaking away for air, I lean my head against Ignis' chest. "When I do lose my vision, you'll still be here?"

"Of course, darling. I would never leave."

Tears of joy poured down my cheeks. "Thank you."

When my vision continued to worsen the following weeks, Ignis kept to his promise. After I could no longer see anything, he always held my hand and reassured me he was close-by. If I ever needed anything, I knew I could count on him to always be there.

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