Harry Hook

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Harry Hook sat on the edge of a balcony letting his feet dangle as he stared off at the Isle of the Lost. A few months had passed since he had left the Isle and he felt like it had been ages since he had been home. He found himself wondering how his sisters were doing, how Uma and the rest of the crew were doing and if his father even knew he was gone. He missed it he really did. Auradon may have better food and a better life but it wasn't home to him. 

"Hey Pirate boy"

Harry twitched looking over his shoulder to see a set of jay blue eyes looking at him. Petra Pan walked over to him hopping onto the railing only she sat with the balls of her feet on the railing like her father had done on the window sills of the Darling's home.

"Show off" Harry muttered with a slight smile glancing at her.

Petra smiled tilting her head her fire red hair that she had kept dyed since her time on the Isle that Harry thought brought of her eyes falling over her shoulder ever so gently. 

"What's going on under the hat Harry?" Petra asked.

"Nothin' lass" 

Petra followed his gaze then gently reached over taking his hand. Harry flinched and looked over to see Petra's eyes were now glued onto the Isle. 

"It's funny you know? I used to sit up in the trees watching the storm clouds growing over there and wondered what it would be like living there" Petra said softly.

"I thought you ended up there but accident" Harry asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, I did but I never really fit in here in Auradon" Petra smiled.

"I'm never going to fit in here" Harry whispered not realizing he said it out loud.

He felt Petra give his hand a tight squeeze as she looked at him.

"it doesn't matter Harry we could be anywhere and I'll still be here for you" she smiled softly.

"Just Harry and Petra?" he asked with a warm smile.

"Just Harry and Petra" she smiled back leaning in to kiss him.

However, suddenly the school's horns went off and teachers were shouting that all students were needed in the ballroom. Harry looked over his shoulder watching students hurrying down the hall.

"They really know how to kill a moment huh?" he chuckled.

Petra hit his shoulder playfully as she jumped down from the railing.

"Come on it looks like something serious" She stated walking into the hall.

Harry shook his head getting down. He looked at his hands which no longer aloud to hold his father's hook due to school rules before following Petra to the ballroom. A sinking feeling in his gut with each step. 

"Somethings up..." he whispered.

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