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The figure who had spelled Harry Hook stood high up in the trees watching Petra Pan and Uma walking along the jungle of Neverland. They stayed hidden from the AK and VK's view as they leaped tree to tree following them. A smirk grew on their face seeing the look of worry on Petra's face. They enjoyed it so. 

"Times slowly ticking Pan" the figure whispered with a smirk "you and Hook will no longer be soon enough"

The figure jumped down from the tree looking back at Petra and Uma with a dark chuckle. 

"Tick tick tick" they cooed hurrying off to where they had left Harry Hook.

"Captain! Captain!" they shouted as the came up on the pirate boy.

Harry Hook looked over at the figure cocking his head to the side.

"I found Pan!" the figure shouted.

"Where?" Harry asked the emerald green from the spell glowing in his eyes. 

"I'm sorry Captain you cant just attack Pan yet" the figure said faking sadness.

"And why is that?"

"I'm after they have a sea witch with them"

"A sea witch?"

The figure let out a quiet groan not wanting to play up Harry being his father much longer as they bowed towards the pirate boy.

"With your permission I will depose of the Sea Witch leaving Pan to you captain" they said through gritted teeth.

Harry Hook seemed to ponder the idea make the figure nervous that the spell was wearing off. However the green for the spell still glowed in his eyes.

"Very well, lets wait until the morning" Harry muttered laying against a tree.

"Very well Captain" the figure smirked their own blue eyes glowing in the darkness slowly coming over Neverland.

They waited until Harry was asleep before looking through Mal's spell book at the spindle. They didn't need it for their plan, but they did think the spindle edge would help get rid of the Sea Witch's daughter.

"Everything will still go according to plan" they chuckled darkily closing the book.

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