Harry Hook

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Harry Hook let out a gasp of relief as he hugged Petra Pan tightly. It worked, the thimble had worked!

"Thank mother dove" He whispered in her ear.

"This makes me miss the tough guy act and the witty girl that burn him with comebacks" Uma muttered.

"Well next time we'll make sure they come along" Harry fired back jokingly. 

"Next time?" Petra asked with a raised eyebrow "If there's a next time I'm leaving you for the crock"

"AW there it is" Uma smirked.

Harry and Petra shared a chuckle as the two stand. Harry watched out of the corner of his eye as Peter Pan flew away before Petra could notice he was there. Maybe he did recognize Petra Harry thought.

"So what are we doing about him and what now?" Uma asked nodding towards T.

Harry clenched his fist  ready to punch him but Petra gently brushed her hand over his before throwing her own punch to the son of Tinkerbell's face. Harry smirked watched T gripping onto his nose.

"Yer gonna have two bruised hands now" Harry said looking sadly at the hand he knew he injured.

"Oh well" Petra sighed.

"What now?" Uma asked.

Harry watched as Petra took Mal's spell book from Uma's hands and gave the two VKs a smile.

"Now we go home, all of us" 

"And where is that?" Uma asked crossing her arms.

"Auradon" Harry stated looking at Petra.

"All of us" Petra smiled at Uma.

Harry looked shocked for a second but smiled as Petra crushed the bottles of pixie dust. Harry looked back at T with a smirk.

"Ye just hang in there" he chuckled as the three including the annoying ferret that he picked off the ground flew back to Auradon a few clouded thoughts still on his mind.

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