Harry Hook

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Harry Hook paced back and forth impatiently waiting for the unknown figure to return. His head felt foggy as if he was battling something inside his head. He could see a set of jay blue eyes that looked upon him softly but he couldn't place who's face they belong too. However, he felt as he kept thinking his heart aching in his chest.

"I'm back" the unknown figure cooed.

"What took you so long" Harry snapped the eyes fading from his vision. 

"Apologizes captain, I was busy"

"With what?"

"Seeing is Pan was around of course"  


"All in do time captain" the figure muttered.

 Harry glared at the figure who gave him a look of disgust tying back his seemly blonde hair.  He watched as the figure as they looked around the bells on their leather jacket making a chime as they moved. 

"As soon as Pan gets here you need to finish them off" the figure stated.

"Don't tell me what I need to do I know my mission" Harry snapped.

The figure sighed walking away.

"I'll leave you be Captain" they muttered.

However, as soon as they left him alone again Harry started to think of the blue eyes and a soft smile that gave him a weird feeling in his chest. He tried to brush it off thinking that Captain Hook never had weird feelings. Then again he found himself wondering if he really was Captain Hook.

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