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Petra Pan hurried into her room grabbing her bag as she threw a few things into it. She looked up as her ferret Fee squeaked.
"Harry's in trouble Fee" Petra stated opening the ferret's cage.
Fee let out an unhappy squeak trying to curl up and go back asleep.
"Big trouble Fee..." Petra sighed.
The ferret hissed barely but eventually climbed into the bag.
"Good ferret" Petra smiled sadly as she stood.
Petra turned to see Evie standing in the door way. The evil queen's daughter wore a small frown as she walked inside closing the door.
"I'm going after him Evie" Petra stated.
"I know, but just think before you do..."
"What's that suppose to mean?"
"Petra what if Harry really did steal those things"
"I don't believe it"
"Think about it Petra, He willingly stayed here after being locked up and he was Uma's first mate"
"That...That doesn't matter"
Petra shook her head walking towards the door when Evie blocked her way.
"...What if it was Doug?" Petra asked "Would you go after him..."
Evie gave her a sad look.
"Doug isn't a VK Petra we were raised differently"
"....My heart says Harry isn't the villain"
Evie pressed her lips together as she reached her in pocket and placed a small object in Petra's hand.
"This might help then"
Petra stared in disbelief at Evie's magic mirror in her hand.
"Jay took it off of Ben when he saw you running, it might show you were Harry went"
Petra nodded as she looked down at the small mirror with a slight crack.
"Magic Mirror in my hand show me where Harry Hook stands" she said quietly.
Her eyes widen as she saw two stars appear on the mirror. Evie tilted her head confused.
"Stars?" She asked Petra.
"Not any stars, the second star to the right and straight on until morning"
"Neverland? How did he?..."
"I don't know but I need to find out"
"You'll need some help..."
Petra looked over her shoulder out the window of her bedroom.
"And I know just where to find it"

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