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Harry Hook crossed his arms as king Ben took a seat at his desk. He watched as the king lauded his head against his hands quietly. A few seconds too long had passed as Harry looked over at Petra Pan looked down at her fist. Her knuckles were a bit bruised which told Harry it was the first time she had punched someone. For her first though he was pleasantly surprised she cause so much damaged to the whiney Charming's face. Fairy Godmother had stepped in a few minutes after Ben asked the two to come to his office. Harry had over heard the godmother claiming the prince's nose was broken. At that moment Harry wanted to kiss his girlfriend, granted he wanted to anyways. He liked kissing her a lot.
"I don't know how to fix what was done" Ben sighed looking up at the two.
"Noses fix themselves lad" Harry stated.
He looked over at Petra who let out a small snort trying not to laugh. A smirk grew on his face hearing her.
"That's not funny Harry we have rules here this isn't the Isle" Ben stated.
"Yeah you princes and princesses don't do much mud or rain" Harry muttered.
"Look I know Chad can be hard to deal with but you guys can't just punch him because of what he said"
"Okay no offense Ben but one he told me I was stepping into a man's conversation, two he called me Tinker Pan and three he instantly blamed Harry for the missing items" Petra hissed slightly.
Harry Hook didn't like the look in the King's eyes as he glanced over at the pirate boy.
"Did you have anything to do with it?" Ben asked Harry.
"Of course not!" Harry snapped gritting his teeth.
"Well the items missing were small items you could easily sneak"
"What items?" Petra asked.
"Mal's Spell Book, Evie's Mirror And his Hook" Ben said not taking his eyes off the pirate boy.
"So you instantly blame me" Harry growled.
"I'm just checking each possibility"
"There's no way Harry would do that!" Petra argued.
"Look I'm not tryin to put blame but it's just a possibility"
"Why?" Petra asked Ben.
Harry clenched his fists as he kept his eyes on the king who wouldn't look at him now. He still was seen as a villain he knew he was, he was just waiting for someone to say it.
"Let's just say my time on the Isle was very different than yours Petra"
Harry didn't wait any longer, he marched out of the office and stormed off to his room. How dare he, how dare they! He betrayed his own crew to be here and he was still dirt to them. He could see why Mal went back, only he couldn't go back. Opening the door to his room he stared in surprise at what was laying on his pillow. His father's Hook still he mucky silver color, still fitting in his hand with a purpose.

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