Petra Pan

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Petra Pan turned around feeling lost and confused as she seemly stood in darkness. She felt cold as she hugged herself tightly. Her eyes were growing heavy as she felt like she could sleep forever, she wanted to sleep forever. Then suddenly a ray of light took her attention. She looked to see a woman holding a small girl's hand. 

"Why do you still hold onto the fact Dad might remember?" the little girl asked. 

Petra watched as the woman who's eyes seemed hollow and tired smiled sadly at the little girl. 

"Because Petra when you find the one you feel a warmth inside you that you can not lose"

Petra felt tears forming in her eyes as she watched the woman pick up the little girl hugging her close.

"Will I ever find it mom?" the little girl asked.

"Yes honey, you will" the woman smiled looking up at Petra who stood hugging herself in the cold. 

Suddenly Petra felt something warm in her hand. Opening it gently she stared down at a thimble in her hand. A kiss her father called it from an old friend. 


Petra turned around to see Harry Hook standing before her with his hand stretched out towards her. The warm sun beaming  down onto him gently.

"Have you found it yet Petra?" her mother asked from behind Harry.

A small smile crept on Petra's lips as she wiped her tears away taking a hold of Harry's hand.

"Yeah mom..I have..." she whispered as the darkness began to fade around her.

Closing her eyes Petra felt a warm breeze brushing over her face and felt the sun on her skin.

  "Wake up please...please lets just be Harry and Petra again..." 

Petra felt a gentle kiss on her forehead as her eyes slowly fluttered opening meeting a set of light blue eyes with only a few seconds.

"Harry..." she smiled up at him. 

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