Harry Hook

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Harry Hook dropped the hook in his hand as the fog over his mind slowly disappeared. He opened his as they returned to their light blue color. He gasped as Petra pulled away keeping her hands both damaged and not on his face.

"Harry?..." She whispered quietly.

Harry held onto her hands gently feeling her flinch as his fingers brushed over the bruising on one hand.

"Petra..." He whispered back.

Petra let out a sad sounding chuckle as the two shared a sad smile pressing their foreheads gently against each others. He watched sadly as tears fell from Petra's eyes feeling a few tears of his own coming from his eyes as he remembers hurting her. He gently released her hands pulling her into a tight hug to which she buried her face in his shoulder. The two shared a quiet moment before Uma came up to them. 

"He back to normal I'm guessing" she asking.

"Good to see ya Uma" Harry smiled sadly. 

"Don't say that yet I lost Twinkle toes" She muttered but a smile grew on her face. 

Suddenly Petra's eyes widen as she pushed Harry away from her as T lunged at her.

"Petra!" Harry yelled as she fell to the ground.

Uma took the sword from the ground sinking it into the hood of T's jacket trapping him to the tree. Harry rushed over to Petra quickly picking her up as he held her head close to his chest. She seemed asleep.

"Petra? Petra?" Harry shouted shaking her gently.


Harry looked over to see his friend pulling a piece of a broken spindle from T's hand. T was laughing silently as Uma's necklace glowed. Harry gritted his teeth as he kissed Petra gently hoping it would wake her up. However, when he pulled away Petra seemed to stay the same.

"It..It didn't work? Why didn't it work?!" Harry hissed through gritted teeth.

"What was that?" A voice suddenly asked.

Harry and Uma flinched looking up in surprise at who was looking down at them. The actual Peter Pan grinned cheek to cheek as he stared at the four.

"What were you doing that for? She seems to be sleeping" Peter chuckled.

Harry raised an eyebrow, didn't Petra's father recognize his daughter?

"I was trying to wake her with a kiss" Harry stated holding Petra close against him.

"That's not a kiss" Peter stated jumping down holding out a thimble to the group "This is a kiss"

Harry glanced at T who's eyes where wide with anger. He changed the spell of course! Harry quickly snatched the thimble from Peter pan placing it in Petra's unharmed hand and gave it a tight squeeze.

"Hey that's mine!" Peter Pan shouted. 

Harry ignored him as he looked down at Petra.

"Wake up please...please lets just be Harry and Petra again..." He whispered as he placed a kiss on her forehead. 

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