Just Petra and Harry

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(Get the full Dance Experience by playing the song attached ^^)

Harry Hook lead Petra Pan to the dance floor gently placing his hands on her hips as she placed her hands on his shoulders. Petra smiled softly at him as the two swayed back and forth to the song as Uma watched them happily. 

"So" Petra asked.

"So?" Harry asked.

"Still just want to be just Petra and Harry?"

"Do you?"


"Depends?" Harry Hook asked taking her hand and spinning her around gently.

Petra Pan smiled as she looked up at him. Her back pressed against his chest.

"On your answer Pirate boy"

A chuckle escaped her lips as Harry playful scrunched up his nose but smiled turning her around to face him again. Her eyes sparkled in the calming light as he smiled down at her.

"No matter what we always just be Petra and Harry" he stated.

"I like the sound of that"

Harry Hook chuckled lifting her off the ground by her waist spinning around. Petra's dress seemly left a trail of golden glitter as she spun with him as if Pixie dust was surrounding the two. It didn't matter if it was real pixie dust or not the two felt at that moment they were flying. they both had been through so much both separate and together. All of it made their lives seem like tragedy both together there was a light, a flame, a warm that made them feel safe. They both knew no one was expect the daughter of Peter Pan and the son of Harry Hook spinning together on the dance floor. No one expect the two to keep each other close. No one expect him to lean close to kiss her but suddenly a loud roar of thunder shook the ballroom.

"What was that?!" a student asked.

"Did something happen?!"

"Whats going on?!"

Petra Pan looked up to see Harry Hook both worried by the sound they both knew would very well. A storm was over Auradon.

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