Harriet Hook

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Harriet Hook rushed over to the end of the docks of the Isle with wide eyes. A large storm brewed over Auradon as she heard footsteps behind her.

"Harry, CJ..." she whispered as she sheared her sword turning around to face those she had following. She gritted her teeth seeing s blonde boy smirking darkly at her. Her crew, Uma's crew and a few other Isle kids stood behind him who now stood as stone statues.

"If you think I'm just going to go along with yer plan you're a draft as a piece of rotting wood" Harriet hissed at the boy. 

She waited for him to answer her but he kept his eyes glued onto her, each villain kid she knew no longer being able to help. her heart aching as she saw Anthony Termaine standing there by the boy's with a smirk on his face . Her eyes quickly snapped towards the blonde boy as she saw a bottle of pixie dust in his hand.

"Impossible!" she hissed  "Magic doesn't work on the Isle!"

The boy simple smirked as he took a ripped page from Maleficent's spell book sprinkling a bit of pixie dust on it. Harriet watched as he began to mouth a spell no words actually escaping his lips but she could see the darkness of the starting to take hold.

"Ye won't get me so easily" she hissed jumping into the water.

The boy walked to the edge of the docks looking down into the black water not seeing Hook's oldest daughter among the muck. He simply shrugged it off as he saw shark fins swinging around where the girl had jumped. his boots stomped along the docks his new followers right behind him . A few moments had passed as Harriet finally emerged from the water under the rotting wood of the docks holding onto one of the mossy posts. her hair is slowly coming undone as she turns and faces you.

"What? You didn't think that was the end of the story did you?" she asked before diving back into the deep black water. 

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