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Harry Hook sat on the floor of his room leaning back against the wall. His head still had a slight pain to it from T's spell but he didn't mind it. What he did mind was the look Petra gave him when he crushed her hand. He couldn't forget the tears in her eyes  as she begged him to wake up. He gritted onto his head gritting his teeth. He had hurt her, he had hurt the first person to really notice him. Such he had Gil and Uma but they didn't see them like Petra did. She had taken his hand through the good and bad. For the first real time he didn't feel ignored with her like he had when his father came home. Petra made him smile not smirk, she made him feel loved than feared and he had hurt her.

"You getting dressed or what?" 

Harry Hook flinched as he looked up to see Uma standing in the doorway to his room.

"What are ye talking about?" Harry asked.

"The whatever ball" 

"Pirates don't to the winter ball"

Uma walked over to him smacking his forehead. 

"What was that for?!"

"You're going to the ball now get up and get dressed"

Harry grumbled as he stood up.

"I can't go Uma"

"And why is that?"

"I hurt her"

Uma shook her head pulling the suit Evie was forcing him to wear before the last few days had happened off of the door hook. She then marched over pushing it into his chest.

"Harry Hook that girl literally went to the Isle to get help, traveled to Neverland to save you even though everyone here didn't believe you were framed, Took you on even though you thought you were your father and that she was hers"

Harry gritted his teeth looking away.

"She loves you no matter what so get your butt in this suit and go show her you love her as well" 

Harry looked down at the ground seeing the thimble he had stolen from father. suddenly a thought came to his head as he smiled slightly at Uma.

"Yer right and I have an idea"

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