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Petra Pan landed gently on the ground of Neverland letting out a deep sigh. She hadn't been here in years but she still could feel her "Fairy side" as her mother used to say jumping excitedly in her chest. She twitched feeling Fee brush against her hand.

"I'm okay" she smiled sadly down at the Ferret.

"This place is huge" Uma muttered unhappily "Were never going to find Harry in this place"

"He's most likely either at Skull Rock or Mermaid Lagoon which are close together so it wont take too long" Petra stated staring to walk.

"Hold up" Uma stated "How do you know this place so well? I thought you Auradon kids lived in Auradon?"

"I grew up in Auradon but my mother wanted me to know my father and she would bring me here until she was too old to enter Neverland even with me being Peter's daughter" Petra sighed quietly marching on.

"Why didn't you come alone after that?' Uma asked following her.

"Reasons" Petra stated leaving it at that.

She never really told anyone expect her only friend at the time about her father's bad memory. That the few times she had came by herself that her father never remembered her or her mother. Each time after each visit she thought he would remember but he didn't. So she gave up on him, gave up on Neverland. She felt the empty pit in her chest for the longest time until she shared her first kiss with Harry. He had filled the missing piece in her chest, saved her from the empty pit. She would do anything to do the same for him.

"We'll figure this out Harry..." She whispered to herself "I promise"

(Fan art of Petra made by @jackfrost1fan :3)

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