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"Ready to dance Twinkle Toes" Uma cooed tossing her dagger in the air then catching it.

"You have no idea" T smirked as he rushed at the pirate girl.

Uma smirked ducking under the boy's swing getting away from his reach. Then she rushed at him swinging the dagger cutting the sleeve of his jacket. T growled as a glow came to his skin and he flew up tackling the pirate to the ground. Uma let out a gasp of pain as she kicked him away from her sinking the dagger into the back of his knee. T let out a growl of pain as Uma rose to her feet  clenching her fists. T pulled the dagger out of his wound tossing it aside with a smirk.

"You know for someone who used to be called Shrimpy you pretty tough" T taunted.

"Better shut that mouth of yours" Uma growled.

"Why are you helping her? She took away your first mate and friend"

Uma gritted her teeth as T lunged at her she gripped onto his arm swinging around pinning it behind his back.

"You wanna know why I'm helping her?" Uma hissed in his pointed ear tightening her grip on his arm "Because she saved my best friend that's why"

Then she kicked him to the ground eyeing the boy as he rose to his hands and knees. T chuckled slightly as he stood up.

"I underestimated you" T smirked sticking his hand in his jacket pulling Mal's spellbook from it "Too bad I'll have to change that"

Uma held her poker face as she walked closer to the fairy boy.

"You're right" She stated.

Then suddenly Uma kicked her leg up in the air sending the book flying until it landed perfectly in her hand.

"You did underestimate me"

T growled rushing towards the pirate but it was too late she had already started a spell Maleficent had written down by her mother.

"Beluga Sevruga" Uma started as T lunged at her making her quickly move away "Come winds of the sea, Larengix Glauctis, Et max laryngitis"

"NO!" T howled lunging at her again as her mother's necklace glowed around her neck.

"La Voce to me!" 

Uma shot back as the sickly green hands came from her necklace recognizing her mother's most famous spell reacting over the fairy boy's throat.

"Better start singing twinkle toes" Uma hissed.

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