Petra Pan

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Petra Pan stopped running as she turned around to face Harry Hook, Fee jumping out of her bag and hiding in the bushes. Harry Hook smirked as he stared back at her with color green eyes step in a glare causing her heart to drop.

"Why did you stop running Pan?" Harry cooed walking dangerously closer with his sword in hand.

"I won't fight you Harry" Petra stated sadly.

"I don't know this Harry yer talking about Pan did ye hit your on a rock or somethin'"

"It's me Harry it's Petra"

"I don't know what yer trying to pull Pan"

Petra gritted her teeth as she walked closer to him.

"You taught me what fun is, you played around in the storms with me on the Isle, your little sisters played with Fee when you brought me to your home, you lost an agrument with her over a bowl of cereal" Petra chuckled sadly as Harry raised his hook to her cheek slicing the skin barely "You made me feel whole again, that I was more than a Pan and I'll be death before I let someone hurt you like this Harry!"

Harry Hook's eyes flashed back to the blue Petra knew and loved but quickly turned back to green as he pushed her against a tree causing her to cry in pain slightly. Her eyes watered as she met his.

"I know you're in there Harry please wake up I'm begging you" she whispered.

"Stop trying to mess with my head Pan" Harry growled taking a hold of her hand "How about a little pay back huh?"

Petra gritted her teeth to stop from screaming as Harry crashed her hand in his. Fee let out a hiss as the ferret darted crossed the field sinking her teeth and claws into his ankle. He growled in pain as he released his hold on Petra trying to shake the ferret off his leg. Petra not caring if her hand was broken or not quickly grabbed a hold of his face kissing him softly against the lips. Harry raised his hook making her close her eyes tightly but when she heard the hook fall to the ground she knew.

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