Petra Pan

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"Wait up" Petra Pan heard Uma shout behind her.
Petra turned around looking at the Sea Witch's daughter as Fee pulled a small glass bottle filled with pixie dust from Petra bag handing it to the girl.
"Do you even know where he is?" Uma asked crossing her arms.
"Are you serious?"
"Dead serious, I think whoever spelled him took him there"
Petra nodded breaking the bottle in her hand leaving only pixie dust in her hand.
"And suppose he really is spelled how do you plan on getting there?"
"Same way I got here"
"Which was?"
Petra this time was the one smirking as she tossed the pixie dust in the air making the two girls fly.
"What the?!" Uma snapped.
"Take it easy" Petra chuckled spinning around in the dust "we only have enough in this batch to get us there"
"And how are we getting off the Isle Tinker Pan"
Petra flinched at the nickname as she pointed up taking flight as Uma followed her.
"Carlos cracked the Isle when he was still here, magical items can come and go through it and since were covered in Pixie Dust" Petra stated exiting the barrier "we can get out"
"I hope this rescue is worth the time" Uma muttered following Petra as she flew towards the second star on the right.
"It is Trust me..." Petra whispered as she headed straight on until morning.

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