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Uma sat in her mother's shop watching her crew out of boredom. Things were different without Harry on the crew. Uma hissed as she thought of the traitor. He told her she wouldn't lose him as a friend like she did Mal. He made sure others on the Isle forgot her as Shrimpy but as Uma who now ruled the Isle as Mal once did. However, one set of pretty blue eyes whipped him away and left Uma once again on the Isle. She vowed if she ever seen either of them she would show no mercy.
"Uma! Someone's here for you! You'll be very surprised!" Gil shouted as he walked into the shop.
Uma stood up and couldn't believe her eyes at who walked in. Petra Pan who still had the fire red hair.
"Well well Well look what the cat dragged in" Uma smirked walking towards the girl.
"I need your help" Petra stated keeping her eyes on Uma and not the crew sheering their swords.
"And why would I help you?" Uma growled pulling her own sword "you took my first mate and made a fool of me which isn't allowed"
"Harry's in trouble"
"Why would I care? He's a traitor"
"He didn't want to be!"
Uma tilted her head at this waving her crew to back down as she looked Petra straight in the eyes.
"What does that mean?"
"Harry tried to convince Ben to let you and Gil over to Auradon, he kept pushing it even though fairy godmother told Ben it wasn't wise just yet" Petra snapped "Harry still sees you as one of his best friends"
Uma rolled her eyes not believing the story.
"And now he's in trouble and no one will help me"
"And What makes you think I would Pan"
Petra didn't back down as she looked the pirate in the eyes.
"Because deep down you still see him as a best friend too"
Uma growled as Petra turned around leaving the shop. She glared as she saw Harriet Hook leaning unseen until now against a wall.
"What do you want Harriet?"
"You know she's right" Harriet stated.
Uma flinched tossing her sword at the pirate crew.
"Watch my crew well I'm gone, try anything funny with them and I'll kill you"
Harriet gave Uma a cheesy smile that seemly ran in the Hook family.
"Pirates honor"
Uma snorted but couldn't help but to smirk at the comment Harriet made as she walked out of the shop catching up to Petra Pan.

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