Petra Pan

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The next morning Petra Pan woke to a clapping noise. Her eyes widen in shock at who she saw Harry Hook standing before her.
"Harry!" She shouted standing up.
"Who's are ya talking to Pan?" Harry growled.
Petra flinched as Uma stood up next to her.
"What's gonna into you Harry?" Petra asked going to take a step closer but Uma grabbed a hold of her shoulder.
"I don't know any Harry" Harry hissed drawing his sword.
"What's going on in yer head mate?" Uma spat at him.
"It's very simple ladies"
Petra and Uma snapped their heads to the side as a figure stepped out of the of the bushes. Petra's eyes widen to the max seeing the male's blonde hair tied back in a bun with bells hanging down around his green leather jacket. A set of cold blue eyes met hers. She knew this person very well.
"T..." Petra said quietly.
"Miss me Petra?" T, the son of Tinkerbell, smirked.
"Who's that?" Uma muttered.
"An old friend" Petra muttered glancing back at  Harry.
"An old friend? You mean the friend you abandon" T hissed.
"I didn't abandon you, you stopped hanging out with me when I didn't share your feelings"
Petra stated calmly.
"But you fell for the son of your family's enemy?!" T snapped.
Petra flinched taking her eyes off of Harry looking over at him.
"My family doesn't defined me nor does Harry's" she hissed.
"Well it will today won't it Captain Hook" T smirked at Harry.
"Better start running Pan" Harry Hook growled raising his Hook.
"I'll take care of Twinkle toes you bring out Harry back" Uma stated unshearing her dagger.
Petra shook her head losing her look of worry as she nodded taking off into the jungle knowing Harry would follow her. She needed Harry back, she needed her Harry. She was willingly to do whatever it took to break the spell.

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