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Petra Pan shyly stepped into the ballroom. The Evie had made for her fell just passed her ankles with golden swirls that could only be seen when the lights it the dress just right. Her hand was bandage but she still held onto the small box. Her red hair was put up in a messy bun with a golden clip that Dizzy had made for her. A small smile crept on her face seeing Ben and Mal dancing together besides Doug and Evie. She gave Jane a small wave as the daughter of Fairy Godmother as Carlos took her friend's had leading Jane to dance floor. She took a seat at one of the tables watching everyone danced and smiled. She didn't expect Harry to show, he had been through a lot in the last few days but she promised Jane she would go.

"Sure is nice" she whispered quietly.

Suddenly a hand fell upon her shoulder. Petra jumped turning in her chair to see Harry standing behind her. He was dressed in a suit that looked similar to his jacket but his hat still sat on his head.

"Hey" He said to her.

"Hey, did Evie you get away with the hat?"

"No but my head feels empty without it"

Petra and him shared a slightly awkward chuckle as they looked away shyly.

"I have something for you" they both suddenly said "You first"

Petra chuckled slightly and smiled as she handed him the small box in her hand. She watched as Harry tilted his head opening the box. A smile grew on her face as he lifted a necklace from the box. Harry brushed his hand against the black twinge that was tied around what looked like a tiny version of his father's hook.

"I know it broke your heart when you couldn't keep it so I picked it up from Neverland and asked Fairy Godmother to shrink it so you could keep it always..."  Petra smiled. 

Harry let out a soft chuckle.

"Well this is going to be funny now but close yer eyes" Harry smiled.

Petra tilted her head but closed her eyes. She shivered slightly as Harry brushed his fingers over her neck clipping something behind it.

"Open your eyes"

Petra opened her eyes looking down in surprised to see her father's thimble attached to a silver chain. 

"How did you?.." she whispered.

"I may or may not have taken it back with us" Harry smiled.

Petra stood up and hugged him tightly.

"I love you pirate boy"

She smiled as Harry held her close against him.

"I love you too Girly" 

Suddenly the song changed and Petra looked over to see Uma standing watching them but the DJ. She smiled as Harry held one of her hands.

"Care to dance?" he asked her.

"I'd love too" Petra smiled softly.

( Credit to @PHATGirl99 for the idea of Harry's Hook necklace :3 love you Disney Sister!)

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