Red x Reader

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Why not kick off the book with the champion himself? I'm sorry if you had a request. I need a few kickstart chapters to get the book going. Sorry! So here we go with our PikaBoi. 

You climbed the mountain, freezing. You couldn't feel your fingers under your mittens, your feet aching from the frostbite. Mount Silver certainly wasn't easy terrain. The champion must have really wanted to weed out the weaklings. Nobody else was even here! Well, that's what you get to coming to the ever-snowy mountain during December.

What? You were anxious for a battle!

One freezing foot in front Of the other, the light of a fire visable in the snow. You were so frostbitte  you coudlnt feel your stomach.  You kept pushing though, you weren't a quitter! The fire in your heart and determination in your eyes kept you trudging to the top. But Evangeline won't write it all out because she's already lazy on the first one shot. Sorry guys.

You make it to the cavefront and met with vermillion eyes, dull and murky with boredom. It was disappointing to meet your hero, the champion, and he has the face that he never wanted to be there in the first place. His Pikachu was resting on top of himself shoulder. His Raven hair was hidden and messy under a baseball cap.

He looked in your eyes and Pikachu let out a quick volt or two from its red cheeks. Your hero, Red Ketchum, was nothing like he used to be. You heard about him being the most energetic and serious battler in the world. The strongest of the strong, the bravest of the brave. No, that Red was somewhere else. Along with his voice...apparently.

"Red? Can I ask for a battle. Or are you busy?"

The look on his eyes and his demeanor completely changed. Like was expecting you to be a snot-nosed brat who'd take a battle no matter what. He had a gleam appear on his eye. What was that? Actual excitement? Given the way he was just a second before this was remarkable. He nodded and Pikachu jumped in front of him. That Pikachu was the strongest Pokémon in all of Kanto right now. If you could take it down you'd be happy. 

You smirked and swiftly snatched a pokeball from your belt. You looked in the silent boy's eyes before throwing the ball in a spinning motion upwards releasing your partner. Your favorite Pokémon above all. You caught the now falling pokeball and stared red in the eye.

"Are you ready? 'Cause I am!"

You cheered with a grin. Red flipped his hat backwards. He stretched his arm outwards And pointed at your Pokémon. Pikachu jumped up and started charging electrical energy. Your pupils shrank a bit and you jumped out of the way yelling: 

"Dodge it!"

Your Pokémon jumped out of the way, mirror to you. Then you slid back my to center and pointed a hand gun at Pikachu And called out a special attack to shoot it right down where it stood. The move hit burn Pikachu was turned around with an iron tail sticking up. You gasped. Pikachu, on its own, used iron tail to absorb a fourth of the damage! 

This was going to be harder than you thought.

Time skip.

You were down to your last Pokémon while Red still had two left. There was a slight chance of victory but it was so slim considering your bird pokemon was badly damaged, and he was using Charizard. 

In a desperate attempt you jumped in the cold air and called out a command, point ting at Charizard.

"Give it a good Razor wind!"

Red let out a huff of air amen slashed his arm outwards. Charizard Dover the acrobatics before grabbing the bird's wing and slamming your final Pokémon into the ground. Once the dust of the cave floor cleared your Pokémon was fainted.

Solemnly you walked up to your bird pokemon, fell to your knees, and had it return. You looked up to see Red alone standing in front of you with his hat turned back the correct way. He held out a hand to you and you happily took it. His vermillion eyes brighter than before.

He pulled you upwards and you caught your balance before you could fall on top of him. No cheesy anime tropes for this one shot! You smiled at Red.

"Thanks for the battle! I really need to train if I want to beat you!"

You turned to go but the champion grabbed your wrist. You turned back at him to see him slouching a bit, reaching for you. He looked up at you with crimson eyes and a slight tug downwards at his lips. His hat giving his eyes an ominous shading. He parted his lips.


His voice was cracked, like he hasn't used it in years. You couldn't look away from his eyes. He let your wrist go as you spun completely back around. He fixed his posture to go back to being taller than you. The lighting on his eyes fixated to the fire in them center of the cave.


You really had to go train. But this was the Champion, Red. Your idol, hero, your lord and savior...okay you wouldn't go that far but he kinda was a big deal. Not only to you, but to all of Kanto. Why wouldn't you stay?


You sighed. Being up in a cave must be lonely. Ecspecially if snobby kids come up and demand battles of the time. You nodded and his lips curled upwards. He took your wrist and led you aroind the cave. Apparently he had his Pokémon create rooms inside the cave so it was like a one-story house. Each Pokémon had a room and Red had his own. There was actually a bit of furniture like a mattress and comforter and some Pokémon beds and toys. It was kinda sad seeing everything. 

He brought you back to the main room of the cave, where you battled, and sat by the fire. You sat next to Red. 

"What happened to your voice?"

He looked at you.

"I didn'"

He forced the words out, struggling to speak. He didn't need to talk if nobody would listen. If he wanted to protest a battle he did battle anyway because he was champion and It was what he was supposed to do. You kinda pitied him. You leaned on his shoulder.

"Good thing I'm still here, huh. My name's (Your name)."

He looked at you.

"(Your name)."

He was able to say it fluently. You grinned and looked at the crackling, calming fire.

"Yeah... (Your name)."

You let your eyes drop downwards while resting on his shoulder. The champion of Kanto looked at you as he smiled again. Once you were asleep he picked you up bridal style and carried you to the matress he owned. He placed you down and covered you up. Pikachu jumped onto the matress next to you. Pikachu nuzzled up to the new stranger causing Red to hide a chuckle.

Red would never admit it, but he watched you sleep the entire time.

How was this? I know, rushed and horrible. Not worthy of being the first one shot but I'll have to go with it because I got plans!


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