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I know.

I know I know I know

I'm the sh*ttiest author in the entirety off wattpad with now slow updates making you all wait the entire day for an update, which never came.

I didn't write today.

At least I don't think I did....

Time just passes for me. I barely have a grip on days. I can't believe it's friday.

Warning: Tomarrow I can't write as much because I have softball tryouts for literally half the day. Sorry! I'm so bad! I know!

But, since I have no creativity right now I'm gonna bring up a new idea I came up with, approved by Bacon. (He should be reading Rising Vengance right now) 

Pokemon Oblivion And Pokemon Rejuvination (it may sound like X and Y but hear me out.)

Like my other fan-game plotline, it's mostly about an antagonist group at high difficulty. Maybe I should do a Casual, Challenge, and Parcore Mode. Hmm....

Yeah, but it also includes all the regions and the Antagonist group is Team Venom. They're symbol is a blown up lavender V with dark purple fangs at the top of both sides on a Maroon shirt. 

They're central typings are poison, Fighting, And ground. This explains the color scheme. Team Venom is run by a central villain and three scientists. I haven't designed any of these characters yet except for one Scientist, I'm leaning for his name to be Zeke. He's supposed to be a dork.

For the Admins there are twenty one and three per region. I don't know how I'll do Grunts, if I even need any. The reason why Is because each admin hasn't a different starter pertaining to the region they work in. I have created three characters for Kanto: Chrysanthemum, Crissi to her friends, Blitz, and Drip. 

The region the central villains are in will be either in Unova (again), Sinnoh, or Kalos. I'm honestly debating wether on bring back preexisting characters this time or not. FunFact: Bacon was ranting to me that he wanted to see a kiss or a gay ship in a Pokémon game. We argued on why or why not and he started pointing out dirty joke so gamefreak Hid. Remember Shauna? Well after you watch the fireworks with her the guy gives you TM protect. If you're guy you'd know what this means. I literally didn't understand it until he explained it. I slugged him twice. So now I'm debating putting a gay character in this game...

And that's all for Pokémon Oblivion and Rejuvination I hadn't brainstormed in class today because I am too smart to be in my grade. 

Should I pursue this idea? It will leave a lot of slack here for a while... But unlike last time I will make sure to upload a fic every once in a while!

Since I have no fanfictions to write, here are some stories that happens today:

I was in second period, with a bunch of upperclassmen, And they didn't get a problem. I explained it to them using vocab I knew they wouldn't get and they called me a 'Math God'. They forgot I was younger than them so I started roasting them. Now I have two talents thst they know: Mathmatics and Roasting

At Starbucks with my dad we had a lady and she looked really young. My dad commented on this and I joined the bandwagon. I told her she looked sixteen, I mean she did! She looked sixteen! She blessed my heart and I made her day. She said we should come more often because we make her feel so young! I feel proud!

I was talking with my Dad. I've never been self conscious of myself before, but lately I've been gaining more weight. I'm already super fat as is so... I'm on a training diet for softball too. My dad was talking to me in the car because I refused to get another helping. I told them I wasn't hungry but my family's knows me too well. He started explaining my bone structure and why the steroetypical height/weight chart is total BS. He said I was beautiful the way I was and anyone who hated me because I was thicker could kiss his grits. I have the best Dad ever.

That's enough personal stories to buy you time. IM SO SORRY!!! The only characters  can legit write right now are my Boiz Emm and Go-Go but I already wrote them recently! 

I'm so sorry! 

I'm the worst author!

I forgot to update today!

Please forgive me...


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