Kiawe x Reader

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A little someone named PokemonQuest inspired me to write this so here we are! Their book is in my Pokemanz reading list and I loved it! Please checkmate it out!

Okay, on to the story!

You were at the volcanic peak of Akala Island. You always came here when you were emotional. It was a nice place to just burn away your tears and feelings. Let the heat get to your brain so you can't even think about all your hardships. Opposite to freezing your brain, swimming in the ice and getting lost in the pain. Happiness comes when everything numbs, who need cocaine? Just freeze your brain... off topic...

You were doing just that. It was midnight so nobody should be near the lava. There was a nice breeze as you sat on the ledge of the Valcano. The popping of the molten rock was really pretty. And the carbon dioxide bubbles forming in it was a unique sight.

You let the heat radiate onto your face, drying your tears form before. What happened? Your partner Pokémon died from a rare poisoning you coudlnt cure. Apparently Pokémon not native to Alola have different toxins in them that Alolan born Pokémon aren't immune to. So if a Pokémon like a Stunky from Sinnoh came over and used poison on a cuteifly, the poison would do more damage and have a fatal risk instead of its ebing just a normal Pokémon move. The same would work if an Alolan Slazzle went to Kanto or any other region on thst matter. Just a headcannon. Inspired by Gary's Raticate. Rest in pepperonis.

That's when you heard heavy footsteps. That wasn't the normal Marowak...Fun fact the Marowak woukd sometimes find you here and let you hug them while you melted your brain cells. But there was the one marrowak who'd find you every time. This one jumped into your Arms. You hugged it back.

"Hey Marowak. Back again."

Your voice was it's deeper version and hiding melancholy. Your back was now to the lava and you looked up to meet the chocolate eyes of the Captain of the Akala Fire type trial. This was Kiawe. Why was he up here?

"So this is where Marowak escapes to on late nights. I couldn't belive it until I saw it."

His deep voice rumbled through the crackling air. Lava soar underneath you inside the valcano. Marowak nuzzled Into your arms. You held Marowak like a plushie. It was nice to have a partner with you, even what they weren't your own...

"I see tear stains on your cheeks. Are you okay?"

He sat down next to you and you turned to face the valcano. Your legs hung off the edge. You were sitting with the hottest trial captain in existance. Literally. Marowak looked sorrowfully uo at you and you mimicked the action looking down.

"I just....lost someone dear to me. That's all."

"Recently or a little while ago? Marowak has been escaping for a year."

You didn't even realize you were doing this for so long. You came here once and no we You can't go a week without coming here. Soemthing drew you to the valcano. Maybe the fire gave you passion to keep going. Keep moving. Or it was just the Marowak. They were so nice.

"Recently. I come here"

He looked at you as you became a broken record for a moment. 

"To get my mind off of...things..."

Marowak hugged you and you gave him a squeeze. Kiawe looked at you with pity. Whatever things you needed to forget they had to be painful to come here almost every other day. The other Marowak only try to escape once or twice a month. This one visited every day he thought youd Be here. It was like he could predict it. This Marowak has a strong bond with you.

"I won't press I'd you won't tell. But don't you think you'd feel more content with more ocmaomt than just Marowak?"

"...what do you mean?"

"Do you want me to accompany you? It's a nice night."

"I wouldn't want to keep you away. I'm sorry, Captain Kiawe. If im a burden I can leave..."

Now this girl thought she was a burden. Kiawe sighed. He hasn't never met someone with such  low self esteem, only confident trial goers. This was new. What does he do? When his sister Is sad she wants hugs or him to hold her hand. Maybe that's what he needs to do.

Kiawe took your hand in his abruptly and you look at him with tear filled eyes. You were thinking how nice it was to have a Pokémon with you, Like Marowak. But his fingers were entwined in yours.

"You're no burden."

How's this? I mixed sadness and sweetness to blend together. Like a grapefruit! Bittersweet. I hate grapefruit...I can't handle bitter flavors well. It's almsot as bad as something over seasoned, or over salted.


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