Barry x Reader

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This is entirely based off of Kindergarten Boyfriend from heathers. i wrote this because it's been even th reed hours since my last update on this. And knowing the song you should know that there is a trigger warning for suicide attempt.

On other news I deleted Oblivion/Rejuvination to rethink some of the ideas. I have a new concept and the only clue I'll give you is this:

 I have a new concept and the only clue I'll give you is this:

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Have fun guessing the prompt. Now here's to the songfic. Lyrics are in italics.

Dear Diary,

There was a boy I met in kindergarten. His name was Barry Ikari from Twinleaf town. He was sweet, he said that I was smart. He was good at sports and people liked him. And at naptime once we shared a mat.

I didn't sleep, I sat and watched him breathing. I watched him dream for nearly half an hour. He looked so peaceful asleep like that, totally contradicting his energetic personality he'd maintain for the rest of his life. Then he woke up.

He pulled a scab off playing kickball. Kissed me quick and pressed it in my hand. I took that scab and out it in a locket. All year long I wore it near my heart. People teased me for the locket and told me I was gross. I didn't care.

He didn't care if I was thin or pretty, and he was mine until we hit first grade. His friends Lucas and Dawn told him I wasn't worthy of him. He left me thst year and I was teased nonstop. I never took off that locket. Then he woke up.


You picked up the pencil again, looking out at the ledge leading into the ocean. You let the air fill your nostrils. You turn the page in your diary and begin to write again.

Dear Diary,

Last night I dreamed a ponyta with wings flew down in my bedroom. On its back, there he sat, and he held out his Arms. He hoisted me uo onto the mount as we flew out of my bedroom window.

So we sailed above the gym, across the Pokémon center and pokemart. My kindergarten boyfriend and I.

And a ponyta with wings.

Now we're all grown up and we know better, now he recomgnizes the way things are. Certain boys are just for Kindergarten. Certain girls are meant to be alone.

So I belive That any dream worth having, is a dream that should not have to end. So I'll build a dream that I can live in, And this time I'm never waking up.

You closed the book and stood up, standing on the very edge. The water roared under you. You slipped your shoes off and placed them next to the book gently on the ground. Maybe someone would find the suicide note as the last chapter. You looked out into the horizon, tears brimming your eyes.

And we'll soar above the trees, over trainers and croquet lawns. Past the church and the lakes, and the various Pokémon gyms. We will fly to through the dawn to a New Kindergarten!

Your toes were hanging off the cliff. Your feet had a grip on the ledge below you. You closed your eyes, letting a tear fall.

Where naptime is centuries long.

You reaches into the neck of your shirt and pulled out the locket. You placed It on the ground next To the book and your shoes. You closed your eyes and let the tears fall.

Your feet let go. 

You were ready to hurdle into the ocean

End your sad, pathetic life.


An hour later Barry received a call from the Sunnyshore police station asking him to meet him down there. He was traveling with Lucas and Dawn anyway so why not? That was their next stop anyway. They refused to let Dawn and Lucas talk to Barry when put into questioning. The police officer, Jenny, had him sit down across from him.

"Do you know (Your name) (last name)?"

Barry thought a moment before his energetic smile returned to his face.

"Yeah! She was the really nice girl from Pokémon Kindergarten! Lucas and Dawn told me not to go around her anymore and it bummed me out, but they're my friends and they know best."

Officer Jenny passed Barry the diary. After he read it his smile was gone and his tears spilled. He looked up to see Officer Jenny holding a locket.

"I'll give this to you..."

Barry took the locket and opened it. Sure enough, the shriveled scab was still there. Barry always carried the diary in his bag Andy wore the locker under his shirt wherever he went. He also avoided Lucas And Dawn from that day foward. He hated them now.

He never should have left you.

How was this? I wanted a tear jerker so... did I do it? 


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