Emmet x Reader

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For bellasmom12 and I'm so happy yet so ticked. I'm happy because I get to do my little Emm! Thank you for the request! I'm ticked because not only did epicface752 catch a shiny Brycen-man, she has a shiney Emmet and Ingo! Grrr! I wanted them! XD

Anyway, how do you feel about Soulmate AUs? 

STORYTIME!!! (Heavily influenced by Solitary Hide And Seek Master)

The tiny red string tied onto your index finger led you to Nimbassa city. Your mother said you could pursue your soulmate Once you moved to the right region. You moved three times. You scoured the Hoenn, Sinnoh, And Kalos Regions looking for whoever he may be, but no luck. In Unova, you've had your string being disturbed several times. That was great! You bolted your new home to find him.

The Red string pulled and tugged to a staircase leading under ground. You didn't think twice as you descended into the darkness. You saw the doors of a subway open. The string led inside, you dashed in only to be stopped by a man in a uniform.

"Woah! Where do you think you're going?"

"I have to find him! My red string! I-"

"Slow your roll! Welcome to the battle train. I'll explain the rules:"

Meanwhile, while you listen to boring rules, Emmet was with Ingo, waiting on a challenger to finally appear. Today wasn't a double battle train day, but he still was talking to Ingo. Lately, Emmet's Red string has been acting up. He was telling Ingo all about it since Ingo's string was a dead end.

"So the  the red string started dancing in the air! The girl on the other side must be close! I hope she challenges us!"

Ingo looked at his bother. A shien Of hope glimmered in his eye. He hasn't seen Emmet hall today like this since Hilda and Herbert challenged them. He hasn't been this hall yet since his last battle. Even if Ingo couldn't experience soulmates, he had himself brother. That's made him happy. He let out a content Grunt and whatever he called a smile directed at Emmet.

"I'm sure she'll be perfect for you, Emmet."

"You really think so? Yay! It'll be great! I'll feed her, love her, hug her, memory make sure we all can get along!"

"Huh? You won't be leaving with her?"

"Eh?! I don't never leave you Niichan! We're family. Family stays together, forever! You'll be staying with us!"


"I don't cares if you don't have the invisible Red string! I won't leave you behind!"

Emmet protectively hugged Ingo when lights on the triangle flashed, signaling me a challenger. Emmet glanced at his string. Seeing it thrash about made him giddy. He rushed to get to his care, awaiting his soulmate.

Time skip because I should have been asleep a half hour ago

You slide the door open. Your string was tightly pulling you into the other room. The door opens and you meet with titanium eyes and a childish grin. The boy you were looking for your whole life... here he is.

Emmet's Smile got a thousand times wider as he rushed to you, pulling the cute girl in a hug. She gasped at his touch. SHe was really cute! She tightly hugged him back as If they known eachother their whole lives. The invisable red string vanished and two red rings that will never come off took their place. Clear for all to see, not just them.

"Hey soulmate!"

"I've been looking for you all over the world! I've finally found you!"

You tightened your hug on him. Emmet was sobbing happily. He'll nevertheless be lonely ever again in the history of ever!

Ingo watched from the window on the door leading to the next car. He let a smile overtake his lips. An actual smile. The feeling was alien to him. Was this pure happiness? He couldn't have a soulmate. Emmet would have to live thst life for him. But this girl... was she really traveling to exclusively look for Emmet? Maybe she was his perfect match after all...

Yeah. That's done. This is the worst! I'm works are garbage! I'm so sorry!


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