Gold x Reader

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I know, when would I do a gold one shot on my own? Well, since I'm stealing an idea from PokemonGladion mwahahaha. 

Seriosuly though, it's one of the earlier chapters and for her she wrote Ilima with this prompt. Go read it and then come back and Reader this one because I swear you will Ben dead after reading both.

Quick question:

Do you like cheesy pickup lines?

You were enjoying lunch with your boyfriend Gold in the cafe. Ever since you actually managed to beat him in a battle he's been asking you for tips at resteraunts. It was only last month when he decided he wanted you and asked you out. You were a fangirl, so try to guess your answer. I'll wait.... not.

Well Gold was admiring you from across the table, angry fangirl s watching in spite, when he got a brilliant idea. You were a bold type so this could end up being super fun. He parted his lips my And you looked in the ravenette's eyes.

"You're so stunning Im gonna need a Paralyze heal."

He shot you a wink. You didn't blush, you didn't explode in embarrassment. This was nothing new. Why this had no effect? Thst was corny and you had two perverted little brothers. He would have to try harder than that. You know what? You decided to be a b*tch.

You pulled a bottole out of your bag and handed it to Gold. His own smirk fell when his eyes caught on to the paralyze heal.

"Here you go, baby. But you better buy more. I'm not going anywhere. Keep trying though, it's funny to see you try and make me blush, my little perv."

He scoffed under his breath causing you to have victory smirk. He looked in your eyes with his gold ones again, taking the burn heal into his own bag. One of the fangirls decided to record this for PokéTube. A.k.a there isn't a live stream happening of this pickup line war.

"Are you a rare candy? Because I feel leveled up."

You had to give him props for creativity. But you weren't letting them the red get to your face. You didn't have any rare candy to make into a sarcastically joke so you decided to fire back. Dating Gold gave you some good flirting pointers. 

"Is your ability cute charm? Because I think I'm in love."

Gold was taken aback by your sudden comeback. Okay, this was happening. You knew. He knew. The whole cafe knew. All of Johto knew. The whole world knew. Motherf*cking Arceus knew. It's about to go down.

"If I were a nidoking you'd be my nidoqueen."

"Your smile is shiny like a rare Pokémon, one of a kind."

"Like Jessie And James, we make the perfect team."

"Did you use attract? Because it's super effective."

"I'm imbolized by love just looking at you."

"I get butterfrees in my stomach by meeting your eyes."

"Those lips...I wanna Smoochum."

"I ludvisc you so much it isn't funny."

"If you were a Pokemon, I'd choose you."

"Starmie And Staryu, don't Star-we belong together?"

"You must know leer, because your beauty leaves me defenseless."

"Are you Team instinct? Because I feel a spark between us."

"You're so rare, you made me use my Masterball."

"You're so cute it's legendary."

"You're so hot I fear you're Moltres."

"You must be a Pikachu, because you shocked me with your electrifying personality."

"I need an awakening, I'm dating the boy of my dreams."

"You must know gust, you just blew me away."

"Are you an HM move! Because I can't forget you."

"There Are tons of fish in the sea, butnyoure my level twenty-four golden magikarp." Because it evolves at level twenty five...right?

Dangit! You had no more ideas! Gold was winning. You glanced over at the camera Of then phien recording you. Well, all three of them. You glanced back at gold and felt a widespread smirk come across your lips.



"Is there a sudowoodo in your pants or are you just happy to see me?"

Gold blushed first causing you to jump uo happily. His face was redder than his rival's hair and his eyes shaking. If that is possible, of course. A lot of the girls watching were aluhhign or just shocked you made the Gold blush.

You accomplished the impossible! All it took was one onyxpected dirty joke.


I'm proud of this and I don't know why!


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