Chili x Reader

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See? I promised I'd still keep in touch while I work on Oblivion/Rejuvination! NOBKDY asked for it but it has only been an hour and I was impatient. Sorry.

Good news Is tryouts got canceled! I can work on this as much as I can, along with the new game book. (Psst, it has difficulty modes! X3)

Anywho, it's story time!

Chili was just being Chili. 

Okay, let's sum up to this moment, Shall we Reader-Chan?

It was a perfect morning this morning. The Striaton air was crisp and the absolutes most perfect day to just spend the summer morning, afternoon, and evening with your best friends, the boys!

You went into the resteraunt to see it empty. It was a very nice day, it wasn't good to stay cooped indoors! Even if the food was literally the best in the world. TAKE THAT BROCK!!! *shots fired* OOOOOOOOH

You Found Chili in some random booth, just clutching about as Cilan was fixing uo the setting of the empty tables. Cress had to be somewhere in the kitchen or upstairs in their loft. Chili perked uo when he saw you.

"Oi! Howzit (Your nick name)!"

You grinned and went over to Chili. Cilan smirked under his breath And muttered something about a girlfirend or something. Since when did Cilan have a girlfirend? You'd ask later. Chili jumped up when you were at the booth and he gave you a large ursurang Hug. WRONG REGION DANGGIT

"Jeez Chili! Take a chill pill! GAH!!! TOO TIGHT!!!"

He was squeezing you like his life depended on it. But this was normal. You and Chili had the most bomb relationship ever! You heard Cilan, And now Cress aligning at you too. Chili let you go and got a cocky smirk at his brothers, specifically Cilan. You placed your hands on your hips, mimicking Chili's sass. 

Yes, you copied him. He was literally your best friend. Even tough you kinda wanted more from him...yeah right! You ain't possibly ruining your big friendship just for the sliver fo a chance of acceptance!

"What? Never got a girl To hug you before?"

Chili slithered an arm around you. Oh, yeah, you forgot. Chili would pretend you were his girlfirend when his pride was threatened. So here we see the wild Chili protecting his dignity from his own kin. Stay tuned next time on PokemonPlanet. If you don't get that...i am dissapoint.

"Chili, we know she isn't your girlfriend."

Cress rolled his eyes. He knew. Cilan still toyed with the idea because you were his legit OTP and he needed to get you to kiss kiss fall in love! I really put that reference out there. COME ON I AM TRYING!!!


Cilan chimed in. You had the spice of a ghost pepper surprssedd on your cheeks. How's you held down the blush, nobody knows. Chili pulled you closer, trying to convince the boys.

"Yes she is, Cress!"

Chili pouted and you smirked, enjoying this to a full extent. But chili lost his game face when Cress formed a wicked smirk. This smirks thst you can see through shadows in those cartoons. Seriosuly, did they swallow a flashlight when that happens? Just....HOW!? And there Evangeline goes getting sidetracked by cartoon logic. Back to the crackfic.

"Prove it."

And this brings us to the present with Chili being Chili and trying everything to prove it. Once the pride is on the line Chili doesn't back down. Chili has so far hugged you, like normal, danced with you in both a waltz and tango, held you bridal style, and kissed your knuckles. He orobally thought nothing of it, but it's hard to pull bullsh*t with Cress. Oh, and Cilan took pictures. CIALN SEND THEM TO MEEEEEEEEEEE

"That isn't proof. Friends do that all the time."

Cress shook his head and Chili stomped. You let go of him from behind, like he asked you to do.

"Then what will?!"

A Wild Cilan jumps into the conversation.


You sighed. Chili was making his own hair jealous and Cress smirked. this was their intentional. Eh, it was weak. You saw this from miles away. Come on, it's Cilan. He is a fanboy. Chili gulped and you rolled your eyes.

"Get over Here, Chili Pepper."

Chili gasped as you pressed your mouth to his. Cilan was recording this whole thing and even Cress was taken aback. You could hide your crush well. Chili soon melted in your grip, oh the irony. Cilan cat-called before the kiss went out of hand and Chili pulled away. He was embarassed, but he still had his victory.

"S-s-see! She IS my girlfirend!"

Cress never doubted chili again.

This was a crackfic because I had to get SOMETHING out today! I was scared to do a poem because I have too many in the ratio to actual fics. I'm sorry.


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